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Chile desert whale fossils

Chile desert whale fossils

A marine graveyard of 80 whales in Chilean desert.
01 Dec, 2011
Ammonite in amber

Ammonite in amber

Noahs Flood provides a powerful context for explaining how sea and land creatures could be found together in amber.
26 Apr, 2021
Plants growing on quartzite

Plants growing on quartzite

Plants with specialized root structures for feeding on quartzite support rapid plant growth after Noahs Flood.
23 Apr, 2021
Flood impacts and the start of the Ice Age

Flood impacts and the start of the Ice Age

Volcanism and meteorite/comet impacts were probably immense during the late Flood and likely kick-started the Ice Age
19 Mar, 2021
Scientific problems with secular ice ages

Scientific problems with secular ice ages

There are several scientific problems with the secular version of ice age theory, including lacking an adequate mechanism.
03 Feb, 2021
The Florissant redwood trees, Colorado, USA

The Florissant redwood trees, Colorado, USA

The Florissant redwood trees in Colorado, USA, were deposited during Noahs Flood from a floating log mat.
15 Jan, 2021
Grand Canyon - Evidence for Noah’s Flood

Grand Canyon - Evidence for Noah’s Flood

Grand Canyon is often used as evidence for gradualism and evolution, however, examining the canyon shows that catastrophe, rather than time, carved it. Join us as we explore the Canyon via river raft. The geology of Grand Canyon testifies to the massive catastrophe that caused its formation.
13 Jan, 202124:06
Glacial-like striations formed quickly

Glacial-like striations formed quickly

Striations thought to be characteristic of glacial action can form in landslides very rapidly
08 Jan, 2021
Drying out after the Flood

Drying out after the Flood

Local Flood advocates say the wind could not have dried the earth after the Flood. This is nonsense.
02 Jan, 2021
South Caspian Basin supports a late Cenozoic Flood boundary

South Caspian Basin supports a late Cenozoic Flood boundary

The size and marine nature of the sediments in the South Caspian basin support an Upper Cenozoic post-Flood boundary.
01 Jan, 2021
Review of Timefulness: How thinking like a geologist can help save the world by Marcia Bjornerud

Review of Timefulness: How thinking like a geologist can help save the world by Marcia Bjornerud

Review of Timefulness by geology professor Bjornerud—a superficial overview of natural history that rehashes old evolutionistic shibboleths.
11 Dec, 2020
Review of The Missoula Flood by John Soennichsen

Review of The Missoula Flood by John Soennichsen

Review of The Missoula Flood—analogue for the greatest flood of all, by John Soennichsen.
20 Nov, 2020
The Eye of the Sahara

The Eye of the Sahara

The Eye of the Sahara in Mauritania, West Africa, formed catastrophically during continental uplift in Noah’s Flood.
12 Nov, 2020
Stone Mountain was once molten magma.

Stone Mountain was once molten magma.

Stone Mountain was once molten magma.
18 Jun, 2018
Fossils of pre-Flood artifacts

Fossils of pre-Flood artifacts

Answers to the question of why man-made artifacts from the pre-Flood world are not found as fossils.
27 Oct, 2020
Ancient doodles in stone represent intriguing Ice-Age art

Ancient doodles in stone represent intriguing Ice-Age art

Archaeologists discovered a small stone plaque, with intriguing abstract marks, possibly including Mammoth, Bison and horse in Jersey.
22 Oct, 2020