Plate tectonics


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Resolving the Archean Belts in the context of Noah’s Flood

Resolving the Archean Belts in the context of Noah’s Flood

The Archean Belts formed either during Creation Week or Noah’s Flood.
31 Jan, 2025
Lowermost mantle becomes more complicated

Lowermost mantle becomes more complicated

A new mineral phase discovered may have implications for how we understand the geotectonics of Noah’s Flood.
30 Aug, 2024
Pre-Tejas volcanism and Hydroplate Theory

Pre-Tejas volcanism and Hydroplate Theory

Extensive volcanism in North America below the Tejas megasequence challenges the event sequence of Hydroplate Theory.
30 Jun, 2023
Upper mantle viscosity may be lower than assumed

Upper mantle viscosity may be lower than assumed

Recent research suggest mantle viscosity might be much lower than previously assumed, providing support for a biblical timeframe.
23 Jun, 2023
Did the earth ever wobble twelve degrees?

Did the earth ever wobble twelve degrees?

Biblical explanations of paleomagnetic data are simpler and more elegant than old-earth explanations.
09 Jun, 2023
Probing the earth's deep places

Probing the earth's deep places

Interview with scientist who develops detailed computer models of the structure and processes of the earths interior
01 Jun, 2011
Passive margins

Passive margins

Passive margins create explanatory difficulties for uniformitarians but make sense in light of the receding waters of Noahs Flood.
07 Oct, 2022
The Fagradalsfjall–Geldingadalir eruption of 2021

The Fagradalsfjall–Geldingadalir eruption of 2021

Recent Icelandic volcanoes highlight major changes to landform in a matter of months and years.
30 Nov, 2021
The pre-Flood world resembled Pangaea

The pre-Flood world resembled Pangaea

The pre-Flood continental configuration more likely looked like Pangaea than Rodinia.
03 Sep, 2021
The biblical Flood helps explain shallow metamorphic rocks

The biblical Flood helps explain shallow metamorphic rocks

Biblical Flood models help explain shallow metamorphic rocks.
23 Jul, 2021
Drying out after the Flood

Drying out after the Flood

Local Flood advocates say the wind could not have dried the earth after the Flood. This is nonsense.
02 Jan, 2021
South Caspian Basin supports a late Cenozoic Flood boundary

South Caspian Basin supports a late Cenozoic Flood boundary

The size and marine nature of the sediments in the South Caspian basin support an Upper Cenozoic post-Flood boundary.
01 Jan, 2021
Review of Timefulness: How thinking like a geologist can help save the world by Marcia Bjornerud

Review of Timefulness: How thinking like a geologist can help save the world by Marcia Bjornerud

Review of Timefulness by geology professor Bjornerud—a superficial overview of natural history that rehashes old evolutionistic shibboleths.
11 Dec, 2020
William Lane Craig flubs on the Flood

William Lane Craig flubs on the Flood

William Lane Craig, Genesis Account, Genesis Flood, Ice Age, Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
21 May, 2020
Appalachian Mountains young

Appalachian Mountains young

Steep vertical cliffs in the Appalachian Mountains should have eroded much faster than secular scientists say.
30 Jun, 2017
Inconsistencies in the plate tectonics model

Inconsistencies in the plate tectonics model

The latest research on plate tectonics models.
05 Aug, 2016