The moon's recession and ageImpact theory of moon origin has many problems, and lunar recession limits age, even including tidal argumentsArticle08 May, 2008
Early dinosaur victim of end-Cretaceous asteroid impactFirst dinosaur to die by drowning due to flood caused by Chicxulub impact at Yucatan peninsula.Article28 Apr, 2022
Snowball earthThe snowball earth idea is hard to reverse, and leads to wild speculations that dont really work.Article10 Dec, 2021
Flood impacts and the start of the Ice AgeVolcanism and meteorite/comet impacts were probably immense during the late Flood and likely kick-started the Ice AgeArticle19 Mar, 2021
The mystery of the moonThe moon is an enigma to evolutionists locked into various scenarios to describe how the solar system came into being.Article22 Jan, 2020
The Vredefort Dome, South AfricaExplaining the formation of the Vredefort Dome was stymied by the wrong approach.Article10 Jun, 2019
At least some ‘tillites’ may be impact debrisSome tillites, thought to form by glacial processes, may be impact debris instead.Article07 Jun, 2019
Earth impacts and the faint young sunDo large impacts on the early Earth help explain the faint young sun paradox?Article27 Apr, 2018
How many impact craters should there be on the earthOur Earth, the moon, asteroids and impact craters.Article23 Mar, 2018
Precambrian impacts and the Genesis FloodEarth’s large impact craters may link to the Genesis Flood.Article27 Jan, 2017
Secular NeocatastrophismForced by the evidence to abandon Lyellian gradualism, secular geologists only embraced catastrophism after invoking an asteroid impact to support a Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) extinction event.Article25 Jan, 2013
Origin demise dinosaursLack of information and heated debates divide evolutionists over the origin and demise of dinosaurs.Article30 Nov, 2012
achondritic meteorites flood bombardment4 Vesta-like achondritic meteorites tell us that impactors during the Flood bombardment probably originated from the asteroid belt.Article18 May, 2012
Young moon active mantleEvidence of siliciclastic volcanism independent of the lunar maria indicates the moon is too hot for old age theories, supporting the biblical age for the moon.Article23 Aug, 2011