Incredible Kinesin!Kinesins are biological robots powered by ATP that walk along microtubules in the cells of all eukaryote life forms that are essential for processes like mitosis and meiosis to happen.Article26 Jun, 2012
Time—no friend of evolutionThe high rates of genetic mutations defies the evolutionary timeline, but fits the biblical 6,000 yearsArticle15 May, 2012
Junk DNAWhen sequences of DNA which did not appear to code for protein were discovered, some evolutionists suggested that these represented 'junk' or 'vestigial' DNA, left-overs of our supposed evolutionary ancestry.Video11 Apr, 201200:47
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Most evolutionists believe that 2 non-chickens mated and the DNA in their new zygote contained the mutations that produced the first true chicken.Video19 Mar, 201200:53
Human evolution or extinctionResearch in recent years by leading (evolutionist) geneticists has revealed catastrophically high mutation rates in humans. This would be a good thing if mutations really cause upward evolution. Instead the human race is plunging toward extinction. Based on data from genetics humans could not have been evolving for millions of years, we would already be extinct.Video23 Feb, 201214:07
Potatoes and ‘white chimpanzees’From 1845 to 1860 millions of people starved in Ireland because of the failure of the staple food, potatoes. AlthoughArticle15 Feb, 2012
Cell systemsRecent discoveries reveal more and more intricate complexity in how cells express genes with amazing speed and efficiency.Article18 Nov, 2011
Mutations epigenetics informationCreation biologists Dr Don Batten and Dr Jean Lightner address some common misconceptions of creationist arguments regarding mutations, epigenetics, and the question of information.Article29 Oct, 2011
15 questions responses 3Our 15 Questions for Evolutionists has sparked many responses from evolutionists and skeptics attempting to answer. Weve compiled many of the answers that weve received, along with our refutation.Article22 Sep, 2011
15 questions responses 1Our 15 Questions for Evolutionists has sparked many responses from evolutionists and skeptics attempting to answer. Weve compiled many of the answers that weve received, along with our refutation.Article07 Sep, 2011
Historical Adam biologosFrancis Collins and BioLogos have used erroneous assumptions to conclude that genetics disproves a historical Adam and Eve.Article20 Aug, 2011
Genetics-primal-coupleRobert Carter answers a question about how genetics confirms the Bibles history in Genesis and our descent from one couple.Article30 Apr, 2011
The Mystery of Our Declining GenesOne of the world’s foremost experts on genetics traces the history of human genetic decline due to mutations in our DNA. The evidence is startling to those who don’t believe in the Genesis account of Creation because it refutes conventional dates for alleged human evolution. This is powerful evidence for the Bible’s timescale for human history.Trailer20 Apr, 2011
Genetics geographical distributionA skeptical correspondent challenges us to explain genetics and geographical distribution in a creationist framework.Article14 Apr, 2011