Canaanite DNA confirms BibleClaims that Canaanite DNA findings contradict the Bible show that the science news media cannot read the Bible.Article04 Aug, 2017
The dark proteomeWith the discovery of the dark proteome, the human genome got a lot larger, illustrating amazing design and the brilliance of GodArticle07 Jan, 2025
Hierarchical clustering complicates baraminological analysisThe hierarchical structure of species relationships makes it hard to find a simple cut-off line between different biblical kinds.Article06 Dec, 2024
DNA from the last woolly mammothsA woolly mammoth population went through a bottleneck of eight, the same as people on the Ark, without mutational meltdownArticle08 Oct, 2024
Ecosystem in NE Greenland supports biblical Ice AgeThe post-Flood ice age explains how northeastern Greenland could have supported a climate not affected by permafrost.Article23 Aug, 2024
Genetic convergence between humans and octopusesParallel mechanisms of LINE retrotransposition for inducing variationin the brains of humans and octopuses undermines common ancestry.Article26 Jul, 2024
Life: Designed to not evolveChemically marked histones provide additional mutation correction in certain portions of the genome in thale cress.Article05 Feb, 2024
HBP1 pseudogene functionβ-globin HBP1 pseudogene has vital function, so function supports common design not common ancestry; junk DNA blunderArticle01 Jan, 2024
The marvelous moleculeDNA is the most advanced information storage medium in the known universe. This molecule confounds naturalistic explanation, and shouts design.Article12 Sep, 2023
The marvellous molecule, DNAThe DNA data storage and processing system, which utilizes multiple overlapping codes, could not have formed naturalistically.Article02 Mar, 2023
More or less information?How does information relate to biology: identifying the different levels.Article17 Feb, 2007
God’s DNA-detangling motorsDNA needs helicase to unwind and topoisomerase to detangle, and contains instructions for these.Article06 May, 2019
Doppleganger genesDoppelganger genes, which have highly similar functions and structures but are found in distantly related creatures, defy evolution.Article11 Nov, 2022
Nucleobases and self-replication from non-living chemicalsCan nucleobases and RNA self-replication form from a primordial soup? Chemical evolutionary scenarios often beg the question and assume much pre-existing compleArticle28 May, 2022
A family tree for all humanity?A unified genealogy of modern and ancient humans incorrectly points to northeast African as the ancestral homeland.Article05 Apr, 2022