Jacobs’ livestock—a biblical example of applied geneticsAtheists mock the Bible as unscientific, but in Genesis 30–31 God supernaturally superintends Jacob’s sheep breeding programArticle01 Jan, 2025
Molecular and morphological predicts four bat baraminsGenetic and morphological analyses suggest that there are four bat created kinds (baramins).Article15 Nov, 2024
Synthetic life by Venter?Did Venter make a truly synthetic new life form? What does it prove about chemical evolution or abiogenesis?Article25 May, 2010
The myth of 1%human, chimp, DNA, comparisons, 1 percent, myth Human and chimp DNA differ by far more the than 1% that has become unquestioned dogmaArticle02 Feb, 2015
What proportion of the human genome is actually functional?The functional proportion of the genome is higher than evolutionists want, but much of the genomic sequence is unaffected by natural selection.Article14 Mar, 2024
Mutated, caffeine-free tea plantNaturally caffeine-free tea is another example of loss, not gain, of genetic informationArticle10 Jul, 2023
Doppleganger genesDoppelganger genes, which have highly similar functions and structures but are found in distantly related creatures, defy evolution.Article11 Nov, 2022
The complex tRNA subsystem: part 5Evolution cannot plausibly explain the existence of a minimally functional ensemble of tRNAs needed by the genetic system.Article02 Sep, 2022
The complex tRNA subsystem: part 4tRNAs and their fragments are important for many cellular processes, and precisely regulate many interactions in the cell.Article27 May, 2022
The complex tRNA subsystem: part 3Cells possess sophisticated quality control mechanisms to identity and eliminate transfer RNAs that are improperly formed.Article13 May, 2022
Monkeying around with human embryos?Modern science allows us to perform experiments on human embryos that are contrary to Scripture. What should our response be?Article25 Jan, 2022
The complex tRNA subsystem: part 2tRNAs need dozens of complex and specific biochemical modifications to function properly.Article24 Dec, 2021
The complex tRNA subsystem: part 1tRNAs are linker molecules to translate mRNA into protein, but defy evolution in how they are formed.Article17 Dec, 2021
Hemizygosity and post-Flood diversificationThe hemizygosity hypothesis may explain how cryptic genetic information contained with created kinds enables them to diversify.Article01 Oct, 2021
Species were designed to change, part 2In the creation model, God made species so that they could change over time, but change does not equal evolution.Article22 Jul, 2021
Responding to supposed refutations of Genetic EntropyPaul Price, Dr Robert Carter and Dr John Sanford respond to evolutionist scientists regarding Genetic Entropy.Article01 Dec, 2020