EugenicsThe Darwinian basis for eugenics in the UK, USA, and Germany, and how the ideas are still hurting people today.Podcast29 Apr, 202116:47
Tracing the nations back to Babel Extra-Biblical historical records testify to the ancient nations beginning as family units from Noah's descendants. This powerfully supports the Bible's history.Podcast28 Apr, 202123:47
Dinosaur Fossils: Upside Down and Bent Over BackwardsCreation Talk #61 - Dinosaur Fossils: Upside Down and Bent Over BackwardsPodcast22 Apr, 202118:58
Was Jesus wrong about creation?Jesus referred to the Genesis creation account as happening recently. But if God created over millions of years could Jesus be mistaken about creation?Podcast21 Apr, 202124:31
Created or Evolved?It surprises many that there are an increasing number of voices speaking out against evolution. They say we are not evolved, but created. It’s even more of a surprise to discover many of those voices are from leading scientists across a range of disciplines. Not only are they pointing out the flaws in evolutionary theory, but they’re also showing that the evidence around us fits with the Bible’s account of the past, not evolution.Podcast20 Apr, 202137:06
Racism, Black Lives Matter, and the Darwin ConnectionIn the United States, activist groups such as Black Lives Matter have not only spoken out against racism, but they have also taken steps to pull down statues of those associated with slavery from the past. But could it be that Darwinism, and not slavery, was the justification for racism in the last century? Is the ‘cancel’ culture helpful? And what is the solution to racism?Podcast15 Apr, 202117:56
What did the Church Fathers believe about Genesis?Some Old Earth Creationists (such as Dr Hugh Ross) have taught that old earth teaching was common among the church fathers, and the a young earth interpretation is recent invention. In this episode we set the record straight by looking at what the church fathers actually said about how and when God created.Podcast14 Apr, 202124:01
The War of the Worlds Comes Down to EarthIn an age where people are reading less and less, they are getting their information about scientific ‘facts’ continually embellished in a cloud of associated ‘entertainment fiction’, such as modern science fiction.Podcast13 Apr, 202109:45
Evolutionists Say the Oddest ThingsLita Cosner and Keaton Halley discuss the book ‘Evolutionists Say the Oddest Things’, and several quotations of renown evolutionists contradicting the foundation of all that they believe.Podcast08 Apr, 202120:45
Faith and factsDo faith and facts relate to each other at all? Is there evidence for Christian faith? Yes! A biblical worldview is the best fit for the facts.Podcast07 Apr, 202124:21
The ResurrectionThe resurrection is central to our faith, and it is a key part of the Bible’s ‘big story’. How does Creation and the Fall lay the foundation for the resurrection?Podcast01 Apr, 202110:55
More evidences for a recent creationContinuing from previous episodes in past seasons, this week we look at a collection of Bible-supporting scientific evidences for a recent creation from a wide variety of fields.Podcast31 Mar, 202124:00
Did God Create an ‘Open’ Universe?Theistic evolution has enormous implications for one’s spiritual walk. If it were true that God kick-started evolution but relinquished control over the outcomes, then we should not trust the Bible since it speaks of God’s pre-creation intention to bring about mankind, to carry out the plan of salvation, and to call out the Church.Podcast29 Mar, 2021
Is Easter Pagan? Was Jesus Wrong About Being in the Tomb 3 Days and 3 Nights?Two parts: Do the name and celebration of Easter have roots in ancient pagan goddesses? Could Jesus have been wrong when he said he would be “three days and three nights” in the tomb?Podcast25 Mar, 202116:25
10 Dangers of Theistic EvolutionThe doctrines of creation and evolution are so strongly divergent that reconciliation is totally impossible. Theistic evolutionists attempt to integrate the two doctrines, however such syncretism reduces the message of the Bible to insignificance.Podcast23 Mar, 202115:03
12 Months with Coronavirus & Vaccine RemediesWe have been living with Covid-19 and the virus that causes it for over a year, yet many questions about it still remain. For example, is it deadly, do masks work, do we really know how many people have died from it, are the vaccines safe? These questions can be answered, but from a biblical perspective, there is one overriding idea that many people miss: “Love thy neighbor.”Podcast18 Mar, 202132:21