The War of the Worlds Comes Down to Earth
Tuesday 13, Apr 202109:45
In an age where people are reading less and less, they are getting their information about scientific ‘facts’ continually embellished in a cloud of associated ‘entertainment fiction’, such as modern science fiction.
This episode article was written by Gary Bates, and podcast produced by Joseph Darnell out of the CMI-USA office. Become a monthly contributor at our site. You can also help out by telling your family and friends to check out the podcasts.
✍️ Links and Show Notes
Original article: The War of the Worlds Comes Down to Earth
Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception full length trailer
Life on Mars - Separating Fact from Fiction
Signs the movie—God versus aliens!
The UFO phenomenon—growing and not going away!
Aliens in your bedroom?
God and the extraterrestrials
Did God create life on other planets?
UFO questions and answers
What about UFOs and aliens?
NASA Astronaut Ed Mitchell Says Aliens Are With Us
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🎵 Featured in This Episode
Power Process by Bruce Zimmerman (https://www.storyblocks.com)
Music score from Creation Ministries International’s documentary ‘Alien Intrusion’ by Cliff Bradley
Modern Science by Bruce Zimmerman (https://www.storyblocks.com)