10 Dangers of Theistic Evolution

Tuesday 23, Mar 202115:03

The doctrines of creation and evolution are so strongly divergent that reconciliation is totally impossible. Theistic evolutionists attempt to integrate the two doctrines, however such syncretism reduces the message of the Bible to insignificance.

This episode article was written by Werner Gitt and podcast produced by Joseph Darnell out of the CMI-USA office. Become a monthly contributor at our donate page. You can also help out by telling your family and friends to check out the podcasts.

✍️ Links and Show Notes

Original article: 10 dangers of theistic evolution
Why I rejected ‘theistic evolution’
Theistic evolution: future shock?
Biblical problems for theistic evolution and progressive creation
From (theistic) evolution to creation
Jacques Monod and theistic evolution
How do we know God created nature?
God’s justice and ‘the things that are made’
Did God create an ‘open’ universe?
Theistic evolution: what difference does it make?
Responding to theistic evolution
Jesus, just ‘a man of his time’?

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Fmin Synth String Score by Jason Donnelly
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Happy Gmaj Piano by Jason Donnelly
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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