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Do something about Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Do something about Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Ideas to address the evolutionary teaching at Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky.
21 Jul, 2018
It’s all about the teacher

It’s all about the teacher

Creation evangelists Bob and Frances Relyea
01 Jan, 2018
Atheists prayer answered

Atheists prayer answered

John Smith, the soldier turned lawyer who cried out to God for help and had his prayers answered through creation evangelism.
12 Dec, 2017
Refusing to be muzzled

Refusing to be muzzled

Offered a paid job by her church, a lady must agree not to mention biblical creation; what to do?
09 Dec, 2017
Focused one thing

Focused one thing

Far from being a ‘side issue’, focusing on Creation helps us to proclaim Jesus as Creator and Saviour.
30 Nov, 2017
Effective witnessing with creation evangelism

Effective witnessing with creation evangelism

We suggest some ways Christians might use creation resources in practical ways to reach unbelieving friends.
11 Nov, 2017
The cutting edge of creation evangelism

The cutting edge of creation evangelism

Creation evangelism team led by Ian and Heather Hartley makes an impact at public events.
21 Sep, 2017
Full size dutch ark

Full size dutch ark

An intrepid Dutchman Johan Huibers builds his second floating ark; this time it
11 Mar, 2013
Ark objections judgment

Ark objections judgment

How to answer Noah’s Ark critics.
26 Jul, 2016
Doing it right

Doing it right

Creation information is powerful when doing outreach and sharing the gospel in a public meeting, but events need proper planning.
30 Jun, 2016
Importance creation evangelism

Importance creation evangelism

For some people, it is necessary to show that the Bible is trustworthy from the beginning before they can accept the Gospel.
26 Apr, 2016
Purpose for arguments

Purpose for arguments

When skeptics refuse to consider our arguments for biblical creation, we should remember that arguments cannot make people believe.
26 Mar, 2016
Practical Evangelism

Practical Evangelism

Francis Schaeffer gives an illustration that helps us to witness to unbelieving friends with the Gospel.
30 Jul, 2015
Creation damage credibility

Creation damage credibility

Biblical creation does not damage Christianity’s credibility; it is the only sound foundation for a Christian worldview.
28 Mar, 2015
Young earth creationism evidence

Young earth creationism evidence

Steps to build a case for biblical creation
15 Feb, 2015
Answering fools folly

Answering fools folly

Answering fools folly, atheists, Proverbs 26:4--5, evangelism Sceptics like to claim that Proverbs 26:4--5 make contradictory statements, but that is not the case.
29 Sep, 2014