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Creationism in Welsh schools

Creationism in Welsh schools

Responding to secular humanists (National Secular Society) who have called for creationism to be banned in Welsh schools.
03 Jul, 2024
Five things you may not know about Noah

Five things you may not know about Noah

Righteous Noah, oldest father, built the Ark, took animals and his family to save them from judgment, dinosaurs included.
08 Apr, 2024
The Z-factor

The Z-factor

Forked and Z-shaped coal seams present a huge challenge to traditional swamp forest theories of coal formation.
16 Jan, 2017
Do you have to be a creationist to be Christian?

Do you have to be a creationist to be Christian?

Do you need to accept 6-day creation to be a Christian?
26 Oct, 2023
Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill Nye

Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill Nye

Bill Nye "The Science Guy" and Big Think have produced an emotional video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHbYJfwFgOU [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHbYJfwFgOU] ) challenging parents to restrict their children's education by censoring important scientific information against evolution. This parody by Creation Ministries International challenges Bill Nye's one-sided views. Think Bigger.
12 Jul, 202303:51
Just preach the Gospel?

Just preach the Gospel?

Gospel, Fall, Adam, justification by faith alone, circumcision, problem of evil. The New Testament authors preached the Gospel under a background of Genesis history. This includes the people, events, time frame, and order of events.
02 Aug, 2014
Fulfilling the Great Commission from the inside out!

Fulfilling the Great Commission from the inside out!

Equipping believers to spread the Gospel.
20 Sep, 2022
Linking and feeding

Linking and feeding

How does Creation Ministries International spread its message?
03 Mar, 2015
Interview with Art Ayris

Interview with Art Ayris

Wallace’s flying frog can glide up to 15 metres (50 feet).
20 Jun, 2022
Should I stay in a church that compromises on Creation?

Should I stay in a church that compromises on Creation?

Should I stay in a church that compromises on biblical creation?
02 Jun, 2022
The vital discipline of study, both Scripture and creation science, for achieving success in apologetics

The vital discipline of study, both Scripture and creation science, for achieving success in apologetics

Encouragement and advice for Christians, especially young people and students, who are interested in deepening their knowledge-base in creation science, and in their devotional studies.
01 Feb, 2022
Curious about Curious Earth

Curious about Curious Earth

Practical details about a creation evangelism market display called Curious Earth
22 Jan, 2022
The Wonder of Science is a brilliant exploration of the creation and evolution debate.

The Wonder of Science is a brilliant exploration of the creation and evolution debate.

Wonder of science covers the sciences of chemistry, cell biology, genetics, geology, atmosphere, and space, dealing with creation and evolution.
16 Nov, 2021
Help for teachers required to teach evolution

Help for teachers required to teach evolution

Advice for teachers who are required to teach evolution in the classroom.
17 Jul, 2021
Review of "Darwins Dangerous Idea" Marr BBC

Review of "Darwins Dangerous Idea" Marr BBC

Leading presenter Andrew Marr’s 3-part TV series adulates Darwin and his ideas, but makes some important admissions about their tragic consequences.
05 May, 2009
Indoctrinating children

Indoctrinating children

The religion of humanism is taught like it is not a religion while at the same time biblical ideas are excluded from the classroom.
01 Apr, 2021