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Linking and feeding

Linking and feeding

How does Creation Ministries International spread its message?
03 Mar, 2015
The vital discipline of study, both Scripture and creation science, for achieving success in apologetics

The vital discipline of study, both Scripture and creation science, for achieving success in apologetics

Encouragement and advice for Christians, especially young people and students, who are interested in deepening their knowledge-base in creation science, and in their devotional studies.
01 Feb, 2022
Christian parents can leave a lasting legacy

Christian parents can leave a lasting legacy

Parents ‘fire-proof’ children’s spiritual foundations leaving a lasting legacy by answering questions and defending God’s inerrant Word.
27 Aug, 2020
Homeschooling, Old Earth Creationism

Homeschooling, Old Earth Creationism

Encouragement and concerns at Greenville homeschool conference
13 Jun, 2019
The non-evolution of the horse

The non-evolution of the horse

A horse is a horse; of course, of course.
07 Mar, 2018
It’s all about the teacher

It’s all about the teacher

Creation evangelists Bob and Frances Relyea
01 Jan, 2018
Atoms and Gods Order

Atoms and Gods Order

Who came up with the idea for the Periodic Table?
09 Nov, 2014
Slaughter of the dissidents

Slaughter of the dissidents

A review of Slaughter of the Dissidents by Jerry Bergman.
08 Aug, 2014
Are look-alikes related?

Are look-alikes related?

The main argument for evolution is that similarities between living things demonstrate common ancestry, but if living things had a common creator/designer, we would also expect many similarities.
15 Sep, 2010
Encyclopedic 'truth' ... or worldly wisdom?

Encyclopedic 'truth' ... or worldly wisdom?

The World Book Encyclopedia presents much scientific ‘evidence’ for evolution which in fact has long been abandoned by evolutionists themselves, e.g. embryonic recapitulation, horse evolution, eyeless fish, the human appendix and peppered moths.
07 Nov, 2012
Future for Christian education

Future for Christian education

Religious discrimination is rampant against creationists: the Texas Higher Education Coordination Boards decision to deny the ICR Graduate School the right to grant accredited advanced degrees is one example.
30 Mar, 2012
School assignment genesis 1 and 2

School assignment genesis 1 and 2

Advice on how to structure an assignment on creation/evolution, and the creation accounts of Genesis 1 and 2 dont contradict each other.
02 Jul, 2011
Creation in religion classes

Creation in religion classes

Bible teachers in NSW schools should be free to teach creationism as truth in religious education classes.
06 Jul, 2010
Is Intelligence allowed

Is Intelligence allowed

As Ben Stein’s Expelled documentary film premieres in London, academics once again debate Design
23 Mar, 2010
A Civic Biology and eugenics

A Civic Biology and eugenics

25 Sep, 2008
Atheists to do religious education in schools

Atheists to do religious education in schools

19 Dec, 2008