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Noah in Egypt? Part 2

Noah in Egypt? Part 2

Noah and his family may be associated with the Egyptian Ogdoad in various way throughout Ancient Egypts history.
31 Mar, 2023
Noah in Egypt? Part 1

Noah in Egypt? Part 1

Noah and his family may be associated with the Egyptian Ogdoad, and 8 chaos gods from the Old Kingdom.
24 Mar, 2023
Horus—the deified Ham: part 2

Horus—the deified Ham: part 2

Shared motifs between the biblical Ham and the Egyptian god Horus suggest Horus is a mythic version of Ham.
17 Mar, 2023
Egyptian mummies and Hebrew perfume

Egyptian mummies and Hebrew perfume

New discoveries at Saqqara, Egypt help shed light on ancient mummification practices, ancient chemistry, regional botany, and ancient global trade connections.
07 Mar, 2023
Adam: Five things you may not know about him

Adam: Five things you may not know about him

First man Adam, made of dust of the ground, head of mankind, husband of Eve, Y-chromosome progenitor, rib bone donor.
27 Feb, 2023
Horus—the deified Ham: part 1

Horus—the deified Ham: part 1

Many shared motifs between the biblical Ham and the Egyptian god Horus suggest the two are linked.
24 Feb, 2023
Debunking Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse TV series

Debunking Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse TV series

Graham Hancock Ancient Apocalypse proposes civilization older than secular archaeology allows.
21 Jan, 2023
Newly discovered Egyptian relic witnesses to biblical king

Newly discovered Egyptian relic witnesses to biblical king

Egyptian stele of 26th Dynasty Pharaoh Wahibre Haaibre, Hophra, Apries discovered in Ismailia corroborates biblical king at fall of Jerusalem
09 Jan, 2023
The Gabriel Revelation and Jesus' resurrection

The Gabriel Revelation and Jesus' resurrection

The New Testament does not plagiarize its notion of Jesus resurrection on the third day from the Gabriel Revelation.
19 Nov, 2022
Is CMI’s Egyptian chronology confusing?

Is CMI’s Egyptian chronology confusing?

Egyptian chronology changes understanding of Joseph’s pharaoh.
29 Oct, 2022
Strengthening the Shishak/Shoshenq synchrony

Strengthening the Shishak/Shoshenq synchrony

How strong is the evidence that pharaoh Shoshenq I of Egyptian archaeology is the biblical Shishak?
14 Oct, 2022
Finding Adam in Ancient Egypt

Finding Adam in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians knew about Creation, Adam, Eve, Serpent, from Noah’s decedents, especially Ham.
03 Oct, 2022
What about the Stone Age?

What about the Stone Age?

Many historians describe primitive ‘Stone age’ men living long before the first man, Adam, existed. This reinforces a time line that contradicts the Bible. Learn how the Bible’s timeline provides the best framework for understanding the ‘stone age’.
28 Sep, 202224:07
The Biblical basis for modern science

The Biblical basis for modern science

How did science begin? What sort of a worldview provides a basis for understanding nature? Learn why modern science was actually birthed and flourished under a Christian worldview.
14 Sep, 202223:49
What were the so-called Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age?

What were the so-called Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age?

Archaeological ‘ages’ did not last for nearly as long as most people think, but the Bronze and Iron Age fit neatly into biblical history.
15 Aug, 2022
Theistic evolutionists claim the Bible is not a science book

Theistic evolutionists claim the Bible is not a science book

Compromise undermines the Gospel.
12 May, 2022