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“The deeps congealed in the heart of the sea”—linguistic investigation of the
Red Sea miracle

“The deeps congealed in the heart of the sea”—linguistic investigation of the Red Sea miracle

Exodus 15:8 might indicate that God solidified the water, perhaps as ice, either side of the path the Israelites walked through the Red Sea.
04 Oct, 2024
Mesopotamian monsters in Paris

Mesopotamian monsters in Paris

Ancient Mesopotamian cylinder seals at the Louvre have pictures of snake-dragons on them which bear a noticeable resemblance to dinosaurs.
10 Jun, 2013
Were the Egyptian pyramids built before the Flood?

Were the Egyptian pyramids built before the Flood?

We respond to a YouTube video claiming that we need to re-examine biblical chronology.
05 Dec, 2019
Egypt and the short Sojourn, part 2 Historical support

Egypt and the short Sojourn, part 2 Historical support

The sojourn of the Hebrews of the Bible in Egypt best fits the second intermediate period, when the Hyksos ruled.
11 Jul, 2023
Egypt and the short Sojourn: Part 1

Egypt and the short Sojourn: Part 1

The sojourn of the Hebrews of the Bible in Egypt best fits the second intermediate period, when the Hyksos ruled.
04 Jul, 2023
Exodus 3:14 and God’s immutability

Exodus 3:14 and God’s immutability

Exodus 3:14 implies God is unchangeably sovereign and good, but its unclear how immutable this means God must be.
18 Apr, 2023
Noah in Egypt? Part 2

Noah in Egypt? Part 2

Noah and his family may be associated with the Egyptian Ogdoad in various way throughout Ancient Egypts history.
31 Mar, 2023
Noah in Egypt? Part 1

Noah in Egypt? Part 1

Noah and his family may be associated with the Egyptian Ogdoad, and 8 chaos gods from the Old Kingdom.
24 Mar, 2023
Horus—the deified Ham: part 2

Horus—the deified Ham: part 2

Shared motifs between the biblical Ham and the Egyptian god Horus suggest Horus is a mythic version of Ham.
17 Mar, 2023
Egyptian mummies and Hebrew perfume

Egyptian mummies and Hebrew perfume

New discoveries at Saqqara, Egypt help shed light on ancient mummification practices, ancient chemistry, regional botany, and ancient global trade connections.
07 Mar, 2023
Horus—the deified Ham: part 1

Horus—the deified Ham: part 1

Many shared motifs between the biblical Ham and the Egyptian god Horus suggest the two are linked.
24 Feb, 2023
Newly discovered Egyptian relic witnesses to biblical king

Newly discovered Egyptian relic witnesses to biblical king

Egyptian stele of 26th Dynasty Pharaoh Wahibre Haaibre, Hophra, Apries discovered in Ismailia corroborates biblical king at fall of Jerusalem
09 Jan, 2023
Is CMI’s Egyptian chronology confusing?

Is CMI’s Egyptian chronology confusing?

Egyptian chronology changes understanding of Joseph’s pharaoh.
29 Oct, 2022
Strengthening the Shishak/Shoshenq synchrony

Strengthening the Shishak/Shoshenq synchrony

How strong is the evidence that pharaoh Shoshenq I of Egyptian archaeology is the biblical Shishak?
14 Oct, 2022
Finding Adam in Ancient Egypt

Finding Adam in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians knew about Creation, Adam, Eve, Serpent, from Noah’s decedents, especially Ham.
03 Oct, 2022
Egypt’s Great Pyramid: constructed post-Flood using conventional technology.

Egypt’s Great Pyramid: constructed post-Flood using conventional technology.

Egypt’s Great Pyramid not pre-Flood construction, technology required was conventional
01 Jan, 2022