First life arrivalDavid Attenborough says life began on Earth by chemical evolution, but the fossils at Mistaken Point, Canada, and the Ediacaran Hills are problems for evolution rather than proof thereof.Article26 Feb, 2013
Ammonite fossil without the shellA well-preserved fossil of ammonite soft tissue apart from its shell is consistent with the conditions in Noahs Flood.Article24 Aug, 2022
The Woolly MammothThe unique conditions and short timespan of the biblical Ice Age explain how Wooly Mammoths were buried and preserved.Article04 Jul, 2022
Bird evolution flies out the windowProfessor David Menton, who reveals some exciting new thoughts on that controversial ‘early bird’, ArchaeopteryxArticle09 Jul, 2006
Neanderthals becoming more modern with timeArchaeology confirms that Neanderthal Man had numerous abilities that are attributed to modern man.Article17 Jun, 2022
830-million-year-old life in ancient salt crystalsHalite salt radiometrically dated at 830-million-years-old contains saline inclusions containing prokaryote and eukaryote cellsArticle07 Jun, 2022
The fossil record is complete enoughSome evolutionists say the fossil record is basically complete, which worsens their problem of a paucity of transitional fossils.Article03 Jun, 2022
Neandertal homesNeandertals’ most famous homes were caves, but that’s not where they lived all the time.Article01 Jun, 2022
Dicynodonts and ‘out-of-place’ fossilsDicynodonts, ‘out-of-place’ fossils, Cretaceous, reassigned to Cenozoic mammal like Diprotodon.Article21 May, 2022
Did God create over billions of years?Far from a side issue, time scale is central to the gospel, because compromising views put death before the Fall.Article06 Oct, 2011
Early dinosaur victim of end-Cretaceous asteroid impactFirst dinosaur to die by drowning due to flood caused by Chicxulub impact at Yucatan peninsula.Article28 Apr, 2022
Oldest featherThe oldest feather fossil ever found has been shown to belong to Archaeopteryx, which is a bird.Article25 Apr, 2022
'Lost world' animals—found!Mammoth-like elephants and a small horse known as a Riwoche known only from stone age cave paintings have been found, casting doubt on the evolutionary histories of these animals.Article14 Dec, 2011
Crocodile eats ornithopod dinosaur for last mealFlood-buried crocodile’s last supper was an ornithopod dinosaur.Article14 Apr, 2022
The mysterious giant squidDespite scoffers/skeptics, the legends and stories about giant squid, Architeuthis, are actually based on fact.Article11 Jun, 2014
Pappochelys and turtle evolutionDespite recent fossil finds purporting to be transitional fossils for turtles, their origin remains completely unexplained by evolution.Article25 Mar, 2022