Dinosaurs are almost certainly extinctCryptozoology claims that living dinosaurs still exist but no claims have been verified so it is time to put this on the list of arguments we think a creationist should not use.Article22 Feb, 2018
A new star is born?A new brittle star has been discovered—but it’s identical to Jurassic fossils!Article17 Jul, 2023
Sperm wailExceptionally preserved sperm of cypridoidean ostracods at the fossil beds at Riversleigh, Queensland, Australia, defies age estimates of 17 million years.Article14 Aug, 2014
Ginkgo: a remarkable living fossilHundreds of millions of years yet no evolution, and possessing an enormous genome, the ginkgo is baffling to DarwinistsArticle03 Apr, 2023
Coelacanth: transitional fossil?Coelacanths are not transitional fossils, and are consistent with biblical creation.Article28 Nov, 2022
'Lost world' animals—found!Mammoth-like elephants and a small horse known as a Riwoche known only from stone age cave paintings have been found, casting doubt on the evolutionary histories of these animals.Article14 Dec, 2011
The mysterious giant squidDespite scoffers/skeptics, the legends and stories about giant squid, Architeuthis, are actually based on fact.Article11 Jun, 2014
TapirTapirs are described as primitive living fossils, sharing homologous features with horses and rhinos—but these assumptions are rarely challenged.Article18 May, 2020
Baby snake fossil defies evolutionNewest baby snake fossil Xiaophis myanmarensis defies evolution by showing snakes in the fossils fully formed.Article06 May, 2020
Sulfur bacteria stasisModern South American sulfur bacteria are indistinguishable from Western Australian sulfur bacteria fossils—2.3 billion years of “extreme evolutionaArticle17 Jun, 2019
Sea pensSea pens are living fossils, supposedly remaining essentially the same for 560 million years, contra evolution.Article28 Jan, 2019
Mighty mites stifle evolutionistsArthropods found in amber said to be the same as modern gall mites.Article03 Dec, 2018
No evolution of sulfur-cycling bacteriaAn alleged 1.8 billion years results in no evolution in these rapidly-reproducing, sulfur-cycling bacteriaArticle28 Sep, 2018
Coelacanth does not walkEvolutionist claims that coelacanths used their lobed fins to walk were discredited when living coelacanths were observed using them to swim.Article08 Jun, 2018
‘Surprising’ lizards in amber38 amber fossil lizards, ‘20 million years old’, showing their colour and whether eyes are open or shut.Article30 Oct, 2017