worm fossils still softPre-Cambrian fossils of the marine worm Sabellidites cambriensis have their original tissue---as do nanobacteria that feed on them.Article04 Aug, 2014
TurtlesDesign features of turtles, and the distinct lack of a ‘fossil record’ of turtle evolution, point to biblical creation.Article16 Jul, 2014
Neandertal paintings bombshellNerja cave, Chauvet, Neanderthal, Neandertal, painting, radiocarbon dating Paintings found in Nerja Caves in Spain have been linked to Neandertals by radiocarbon dating, but many question this and the Chauvet datesArticle26 May, 2014
Whale evolution fraudWhale evolution depends on Pakicetus, Ambulocetus and Rodhocetus, but claims about these being transitional to whales are false.Article12 Apr, 2014
Heard of elephantsElephant design and other evidence points to them having been created in line with the Bibles account, not evolved.Article02 Apr, 2014
Roraima pollenPollen fossils in the Paleoproterozoic Roraima Formation in South America are evidence against the evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record.Article28 Feb, 2014
Dinosaur soft tissueEvolutionist Mary Schweitzer trying desperately to explain dinosaur soft tissue by saying iron in blood preserved it 70+ million years.Article28 Jan, 2014
Fossils: Evidence for Biblical creation Fossils provide remarkable support for the Bible's account of history, beginning with creation and including a global flood. This week we focus on some fossils that are very difficult to fit into the 'millions of years' timescale, but fit wonderfully with the Bible.Video08 Jan, 201428:31
Index fossilsIndex fossils do not indicate evolutionary progression, and are not foolproof age indicators of strata; they only indicate Gods judgment in the Flood.Article14 Dec, 2013
double decade dinosaur disquietFor twenty years now, dino bones have progressively divulged their contents to researchers who did not expect to find the likes of DNA and radiocarbon millions of years after dinosaur extinction.Article02 Dec, 2013
Salamanders are living fossils!Extraordinary preservation of a salamander living fossil dated to 161 million years, yet just the same as salamanders today.Article13 Nov, 2013
Mammoth clonesSignificant genetic engineering is necessary to achieve a viable mammoth-elephant, but cloning a mammoth is highly unlikely.Article02 Sep, 2013
Alligator living fossilA fossil skull of an alligator found with dinosaurs is identical to a modern American alligator, but was given a different scientific name, giving the illusion of evolution.Article22 Jul, 2013
Transitional fossils? Where?The 'missing links'—hailed as proof for evolution—are examined and debunked.Video19 Jun, 201328:24
Slow fish in ChinaA fossil fish in Cambrian strata in China now confirms that fish appear suddenly in the fossil record along with all the other kinds of animals.Article05 Jun, 2013