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Modelling biblical human population growth

Modelling biblical human population growth

Working out the world’s population growth using a biblical model.
02 Jun, 2017
Farming frustrations?  ...

Farming frustrations? ...

Why is it so difficult to produce plants?
31 May, 2017
Build a lighthouse against evolution

Build a lighthouse against evolution

Measures you can take to equip your children when they encounter evolutionary indoctrination in the classroom.
30 May, 2017
Teach unbiblical ideas

Teach unbiblical ideas

Simply knowing about ideas that contradict Christianity can help young people stand firm against them.
24 May, 2017
Never heard gospel

Never heard gospel

What will happen to those who die without ever hearing the Gospel.
20 May, 2017
Creation days and Orthodox Jewish tradition

Creation days and Orthodox Jewish tradition

Orthodox Jews and creation days.
22 Feb, 2017
Physical new earth

Physical new earth

The New Heaven and Earth is physical, reflected in the resurrection of the body and the restoration of creation.
21 Jan, 2017
Pastor Joe Boot - Hold the Line on Biblical Authority

Pastor Joe Boot - Hold the Line on Biblical Authority

Rev Dr Joe Boot, Founder of the Ezra Institute, delivers powerful message about Genesis and the authority of Scripture at a CMI fundraising dinner.
28 Dec, 201659:41
The fish in the bathtub

The fish in the bathtub

Does evolution only need time to work?
30 Nov, 2016
Why did God prevent Adam from eating from the Tree of Life after he had sinned?

Why did God prevent Adam from eating from the Tree of Life after he had sinned?

Adam not eating from the Tree of Life after his fall is essential for the Gospel and our future hope.
29 Nov, 2016
The Bible is the bedrock of society

The Bible is the bedrock of society

Western society abandons the Bible and puts in cosmic evolution as its foundation instead.
03 Nov, 2016
The importance of the age of things

The importance of the age of things

The Bible, the age of the earth and theological implications of long ages.
24 Oct, 2016
Pre-Adamic man: were there human beings on Earth before Adam?

Pre-Adamic man: were there human beings on Earth before Adam?

Were their pre-Adamites on the earth?
04 Jan, 2012
Apostate The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West review

Apostate The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West review

Review of Apostate—The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West.
30 Sep, 2016
Genesis: A case study for biblical authority

Genesis: A case study for biblical authority

Christians will quote Scripture as plainly written to justify belief in the events leading up to the crucifixion and the resurrection. However, in regarding the creation account, there is a much greater tendency to give authority to extra-biblical ideas rather than going strictly with the text. This episode uses Genesis chapters 1-11 as a case study for biblical authority.
17 Aug, 201628:30
Ark objections judgment

Ark objections judgment

How to answer Noah’s Ark critics.
26 Jul, 2016