Why Darwinism is Not a Testable Scientific Theory
There is an often-repeated assertion that evolution is scientific fact, while
the Bible’s account of creation is mere religious stories or myths. However, it
might be surprising to learn that there is some ‘storytelling’ included in the
paradigm of evolution.
You see, scientists from the evolutionary and creation paradigm both start from
a particular worldview. And the worldview drives their interpretation of the
facts. An evolutionary bias results in a natural focus on their presumption
which leads to interpretations that ignore scientific evidence that supports
biblical creation.
In this discussion you will learn how the very nature of real science gives us a
better understanding of why scientists come to very opposing conclusions. You’ll
also get a taste of some simple scientific facts that stand in complete
opposition to that idea that evolution is a scientific fact. You see, believing
the Bible is not a ‘blind faith’.