Evolutionary creation, round squares and other nonsenseDid God use evolution to create the universe? Some people think so. Today we critique an article arguing for ‘evolutionary creation’.Video14 Feb, 201828:30
Was Jesus an alien?The alien Jesus idea is a ludicrous naturalistic conspiracy theory undercut by its trust in the Gospel miracle accounts.Article10 Feb, 2018
The sixteen grandsons of NoahSecular history gives much evidence to show that the survivors of Noah’s Flood were real historical figures, whose names were indelibly carved on much of the ancient world …Article20 Apr, 2011
If God created the universe then who created God?This common question has a simple answer and a more complex answer. Today we examine both of them.Video31 Jan, 201828:30
Biologos Jesus age earthTed Davis, theistic evolutionist at BioLogos, makes a vain attempt to evade Jesus’ teaching on the age of the earth.Article25 Jan, 2018
The Bible: is it guilty until proven innocent?Challenge the assumption that we should be skeptical about Scripture!Article23 Jan, 2018
How long were the Genesis days?Could the Genesis creation days be millions of years long? Join us as we dive into the language of the biblical text and discover how long God took to create the universe.Video17 Jan, 201828:30
Nice theologians leading the church away from the truthWinsome theologians who compromise God’s Word, teaching that evolution and long ages, are most effective at destroying the church.Article16 Jan, 2018
Why youth leave the churchSurveys show that many youth who grow up in the church will leave. Today we examine these surveys and present a powerful solution that is already making a difference.Video03 Jan, 201828:30
Why did God allow sin at all?We can trust that God has good reasons for creating a world He knew would have sinners and suffering.Article23 Dec, 2017
How can a good God allow evil in the world?Explaining the origin of death and suffering is vitally important in defending Christianity, since many people use the existence of ‘evil’ as an excuse not to believe in God. Learn why a literal-historical Genesis account is vital in answering.Video26 Oct, 201728:30
Evolution fraudEvolution history is full of deliberate frauds, but most of their error is due to faulty presuppositions.Article26 Aug, 2017
Euthanasia for disabled babies?Evolutionist argues that new born babies are no more than animals and, if severely disabled, should be euthanised.Article22 Aug, 2017
Mutations, and why you shouldn’t marry your cousinAre creation geneticists wrong about mutation rates? And how distantly related should parents be for genetically healthy offspring?Article12 Aug, 2017