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Nashville Statement

Nashville Statement

Creation Ministries International on the ‘Nashville Statement’ concerning marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, and Biblical sexuality.
14 Sep, 2017
Why marriage matters

Why marriage matters

Marriage is God’s good design, vital for human flourishing.
21 Sep, 2023
Victory of Jesus

Victory of Jesus

In the wilderness temptation, Jesus succeeded where Adam failed.
01 Nov, 2021
Is God our mother?

Is God our mother?

Do feminine comparisons in Scripture mean God is our mother?
09 Jan, 2021
Racial mixing is perfectly biblical!

Racial mixing is perfectly biblical!

Racial intermarriage is perfectly acceptable. We completely repudiate the racist claims of the ‘Christian Identity’ movement.
07 Apr, 2020
Mutations, and why you shouldn’t marry your  cousin

Mutations, and why you shouldn’t marry your cousin

Are creation geneticists wrong about mutation rates? And how distantly related should parents be for genetically healthy offspring?
12 Aug, 2017
Does the Bible condone polygamy?

Does the Bible condone polygamy?

Is polygamy a moral and valid expression of marriage in the Bible?
22 Jul, 2017
How gay marriage harms people

How gay marriage harms people

Three major reasons that same-sex marriage is bad for society.
24 Jun, 2017
Premarital sex

Premarital sex

God forbids premarital sex because outside of marriage there is no public commitment to care for ones sexual partner.
12 Mar, 2016
US gay marriage scotus

US gay marriage scotus

The US Supreme Court has legalized same-sex marriage, what should Christians and the Church do?
29 Jun, 2015
Gay marriage laws

Gay marriage laws

Gay marriage laws are being passed, and Christians are being challenged for our stance.
06 Mar, 2014
Gay marriage right or wrong

Gay marriage right or wrong

Gay Marriage: right or wrong gives answers about homosexuality and points people to the Gospel.
10 Oct, 2013
Bible interracial marriage

Bible interracial marriage

When we start with the Bible
07 Nov, 2011
Cains wife brother-sister intermarriage

Cains wife brother-sister intermarriage

How could Cain have married his sister, if God forbade this practice in Leviticus, and his moral law is unchanging?
14 May, 2011
Monogamy bible one man woman

Monogamy bible one man woman

Monogamy means marriage between one man and one woman. This was the ideal from the creation of Adam and Eve, and TWO becoming one flesh. Polygamy was tolerated for a time, but was never ideal.
25 Oct, 2010
Church shock: 'Can you marry your relative?'

Church shock: 'Can you marry your relative?'

14 Nov, 2008