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Calvin said: Genesis means what it says

Calvin said: Genesis means what it says

John Calvin said Genesis means what it says about six-day creation.
01 Jul, 2020
Evolutionary creation

Evolutionary creation

Did God use evolution to create? Could Jesus and Paul be wrong about creation? Tune is as we discuss statements by leading theistic evolutionists.
24 Jun, 202024:28
Objection… Overruled! (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-09)

Objection… Overruled! (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-09)

Questions and objections to the Genesis creation account continue to lead many people away from Christianity. We tackle some of popular questions showing how evidence from science and history supports the Bible. Who did Cain marry? How did ‘bad things’ arise? Where are all the human fossils? How did people live so long before the flood? Who were the Nephilim? Where did all the races come from?
17 Jun, 202028:42
Archaeology supports the Bible

Archaeology supports the Bible

Archaeological discoveries provide powerful support for the accuracy of Scripture. Today we highlight fascinating portions of an interview with a leading archaeologist.
10 Jun, 202027:42
No, God did not use evolution (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-08)

No, God did not use evolution (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-08)

The Creator God of the Bible spoke the universe into existence. This great miracle is supported by the conclusions of science, logic, and history. Key reasons why God did not use evolution are summarized in this episode.
03 Jun, 202028:42
Who is the God of Genesis?

Who is the God of Genesis?

Are Christian deluding themselves? How do we know there is a God, and specifically the God revealed in the Bible?
27 May, 202024:38
The death of my beloved wife

The death of my beloved wife

Death of wife, bereavement, why God punishes sin, hope in Christ.
26 May, 2020
Did God make Adam ‘half-female’?

Did God make Adam ‘half-female’?

The X chromosome is not a female chromosome, and God didnt make Adam half-female.
23 May, 2020
William Lane Craig flubs on the Flood

William Lane Craig flubs on the Flood

William Lane Craig, Genesis Account, Genesis Flood, Ice Age, Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
21 May, 2020
Is Genesis poetry?

Is Genesis poetry?

Before we can hope to understand creation we need to be sure of the literary style of Genesis. Is Genesis poetry or does it record actual historical events? We compare the structure of biblical poetry with historical narrative and see which form of literature Genesis matches.
13 May, 202023:38
Aliens and UFOs -- What are they really?

Aliens and UFOs -- What are they really?

How should Christians react to stories of strange lights in the sky and terrifying night time abductions? Aliens and UFOs and the Bible, on this week's episode.
29 Apr, 202024:33
Why Is There Death and Suffering?

Why Is There Death and Suffering?

Many people, including Christians, ask why a loving God allows bad things to happen, like killer viruses. Genesis history explains why. CMI's Gary Bates and Jonathan Sarfati will be responding to comments in YouTube's real-time chat.
21 Apr, 2020
Evolutionary creation, round squares and other nonsense

Evolutionary creation, round squares and other nonsense

Did God use evolution to create the universe? Some people think so. Today we critique an article arguing for ‘evolutionary creation’.
15 Apr, 202023:33
Importance of the Resurrection

Importance of the Resurrection

The Resurrection of Christ not only guarantees the salvation of all believers, but that there will also be a Day of Judgment.
31 Mar, 2013
Darkness at the crucifixion: metaphor or real history?

Darkness at the crucifixion: metaphor or real history?

historical evidence of non-eclipse darkness at Jesus crucifixion
06 Apr, 2007
Science, the Bible, and the Age of the Earth (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-04)

Science, the Bible, and the Age of the Earth (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-04)

When did God create? How long are the Genesis days? When was Adam created? Could millions of years be added into the Genesis account? These and other controversial questions are discussed.
08 Apr, 202028:41