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Victory of Jesus

Victory of Jesus

In the wilderness temptation, Jesus succeeded where Adam failed.
01 Nov, 2021
The Genesis genealogies

The Genesis genealogies

The Genesis genealogies are viewed with skepticism by many, but have historical and theological significance, leading to the Messiah (Christ).
26 Oct, 2021
Critic calls young-earth creationism laughable and dangerous

Critic calls young-earth creationism laughable and dangerous

Response to a Christian critic who objects to Genesis as literal history.
21 Oct, 2021
Archaeologist: No errors in the Bible

Archaeologist: No errors in the Bible

Since the Bible is an accurate record of the past, archaeologists continually find support for its history in their ancient discoveries. Watch the full episode at: https://creation.com/cml7-06 [https://creation.com/cml7-06]
20 Oct, 202101:30
Why trust the Bible's morality if it cannot get its history right?

Why trust the Bible's morality if it cannot get its history right?

If the Bible doesn't accurately record 'earthly things' that we could verify today (like the effects of a global flood) then how can it be trusted on morality or the 'heavenly/spiritual things'. Watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml7-05 [https://creation.com/cml7-05]
18 Oct, 202101:57
Different understandings of origins?

Different understandings of origins?

A friendly dialogue with a theistic evolutionist on several issues in the origins debate.
02 Oct, 2021
The 7 Churches of Revelation, Times of Fire: movie review

The 7 Churches of Revelation, Times of Fire: movie review

See creation ministries international’s movie review of the 7 churches of revelation, times of fire.
28 Sep, 2021
The Bible’s historical accounts are important, and refute evolution

The Bible’s historical accounts are important, and refute evolution

Key doctrines of Christianity are based on historical events, including a historical Genesis. If those events didn't happen Christianity crumbles. Watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml7-05 [https://creation.com/cml7-05]
27 Sep, 202102:48
Is Jesus the Creator?

Is Jesus the Creator?

Is Jesus the only begotten Son of God or was he created and became the son of God?
25 Sep, 2021
Dread of man: Part 2

Dread of man: Part 2

Was the ‘fear and dread’ of man in the animals after Noah’s Flood something new God specially brought about?
24 Sep, 2021
Questioning the Bible is NORMAL

Questioning the Bible is NORMAL

Most Christians go through a stage where they question the accuracy of the Bible. This is normal! It provides an opportunity for more mature Christians to guide them to the answers. Watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml7-12 [https://creation.com/cml7-12]
20 Sep, 202103:28
Dread of man: Part 1

Dread of man: Part 1

God supernaturally put the fear and dread of man into animals after Noahs Flood.
17 Sep, 2021
The Israelites: forging of a nation

The Israelites: forging of a nation

The Israelites are in the Bible, but people tend to have an oversimplified understanding of the sons of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham.
02 Sep, 2021
Review: 'The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve’ by Stephen Greenblatt

Review: 'The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve’ by Stephen Greenblatt

A review of The Rise and Fall of Adam & Eve by Stephen Greenblatt.
27 Aug, 2021
Replenish the earth

Replenish the earth

People think that
23 Apr, 2012
Sevens in the Bible

Sevens in the Bible

Sevens outside the weekly Sabbath in Israels calendar do not undermine God creating everything in a literal week.
07 Aug, 2021