Eve adams ribEve, Adam, rib, kinsman-redeemer, Eve was made from Adams rib to picture what marriage is, and to make us all one family so a kinsman-redeemer could pay our sin debt and save us.Article08 Dec, 2014
Was Adam more guilty than EveWe discuss whether the Bible says that either Adam or Eve was more guilty than the other.Article26 Jul, 2014
Adam Eve lifespans eternal destiniesDid Adam and Eve go to heaven or hell, and how long did Adam live before the Fall?Article07 Jun, 2014
Unfallen Adam sinHow could unfallen Adam have sinned? God gave him the power of contrary choice.Article08 Mar, 2014
What was Adams sinAdams sin is explained in terms of deliberately choosing to disobey God and so putting his own authority above Gods.Article09 Feb, 2014
Ultimate curse adam and eveA reader says its all Adam and Eves fault---but the Bible fairly lays responsibility squarely at Adams feet.Article11 Jan, 2014
Adam and NoahThe many parallels between what happened in Creation Week and in the global Flood of NoahArticle31 Dec, 2012
Adam eve races geneticsGenetics favours a biblical view of the origin of the races and the genetic diversity we see in humans today, and Nazism was influenced by Darwinism.Article17 Jun, 2012
Naming the animals: all in a days work for AdamAdam was the worlds first zoologist.Article05 Jan, 2011
Strategy of the DevilSatan is alive and well. He uses the same tactics today to cause people to disregard God as he used on Eve in the garden of Eden. What are they?Article22 Sep, 2010