Did Life Come to Earth From Outer Space?A strange group of scientific ‘outsiders’, the Hoylites, are denouncing Darwin while promoting panspermia.Podcast25 Jun, 202014:50
Evolutionary creationDid God use evolution to create? Could Jesus and Paul be wrong about creation? Tune is as we discuss statements by leading theistic evolutionists.Podcast24 Jun, 202024:28
The Global Flood According to the New TestamentWhile a lot of modern people want to separate theology from history, in the New Testament the two are inextricably tied together. We should be encouraged that the New Testament authors placed such a great confidence in the Bible’s history, and that should inspire us to be equally as confident.Podcast23 Jun, 202012:08
Monkey MindsBecause we know that we do, in fact, reason in a generally reliable way, the evolutionary worldview must not be correct. Evolution lacks the resources that enable us to trust in our own rational faculties, but Christianity succeeds where evolution fails.Podcast19 Jun, 202013:19
Objection… Overruled! Questions and objections to the Genesis creation account continue to lead many people away from Christianity. We tackle some of popular questions showing how evidence from science and history supports the Bible. Who did Cain marry? How did ‘bad things’ arise? Where are all the human fossils? How did people live so long before the flood? Who were the Nephilim? Where did all the races come from?Podcast17 Jun, 202024:54
The Biblical Minimum and Maximum Age of the EarthAccounting for all presently known relevant details and assuming the Babylonian Captivity began in 587 or 586 BC, we can say with confidence that the Bible places limits on the year of creation between 5665 and 3822 BC. If the traditional historic date of 587 BC or 586 BC for the Captivity is correct, the earth cannot be more than 7,680 years old.Podcast16 Jun, 202036:23
Can’t Drink Milk? You’re “Normal”!Those of you who are unable to drink milk as adults today without feeling nauseous (or worse) can take heart from being closer in that respect to the originally ‘physically-perfect’ first man and woman than are those of us who are milk-drinking ‘mutants’!Podcast12 Jun, 202010:57
Where Did the Bible Come From? Pt 2Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God, but how do we know that’s true? How did we get the collection of books we call the Bible, and can we trust them? In part 2, we discuss who wrote the Bible, how they copied it throughout the centuries, preferences for various English translations, and the consistency between the Old and New Testaments.Podcast11 Jun, 202013:22
Archaeology supports the BibleArchaeological discoveries provide powerful support for the accuracy of Scripture. Today we highlight fascinating portions of an interview with a leading archaeologist.Podcast10 Jun, 202027:42
Hidden Messages in Scripture?There’s no need for ‘magic decoder ring’ hermeneutics; at best, it’s a distraction from what should be our focus, and at worst, it is directly contradictory to the plain meaning of the text.Podcast09 Jun, 202012:43
Should Genesis be Taken Literally?If we apply the normal principles of biblical exegesis (ignoring pressure to make the text conform to the evolutionary prejudices of our age), it is overwhelmingly obvious that Genesis was meant to be taken in a straightforward, obvious sense as an authentic, literal, historical record of what actually happened.Podcast05 Jun, 202023:39
No, God did not use evolutionThe Creator God of the Bible spoke the universe into existence. This great miracle is supported by the conclusions of science, logic, and history. Key reasons why God did not use evolution are summarized in this episode.Podcast03 Jun, 202024:23
Adam and EveGod pronounced judgments on the serpent, Eve, and Adam. Because of sin, the serpent would crawl on his belly and eat dust, Eve and all women after her would have pain in childbirth, and Adam and all of his descendants would experience painful toil on the earth until death. But in the middle of these terrible pronouncements, there is a glimmer of hope.Podcast02 Jun, 202018:21
The Mind of God and the Big BangChristians do not need Hawking’s elusive ‘grand unified theory’ of the universe to know the mind of God or to know who they are, why they exist, and where they are going. As matters stand at present, there is no better astronomic theory for the origin of the universe than the inspired explanation of the Bible.Podcast29 May, 202021:10
Where Did the Bible Come From Pt 1Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God, but how do we know that’s true? How did we get the collection of books we call the Bible, and can we trust them?Podcast28 May, 202016:19
Who is the God of Genesis?Are Christian deluding themselves? How do we know there is a God, and specifically the God revealed in the Bible?Podcast27 May, 202024:38