The Global Flood According to the New Testament

Tuesday 23, Jun 202012:08

While a lot of modern people want to separate theology from history, in the New Testament the two are inextricably tied together. We should be encouraged that the New Testament authors placed such a great confidence in the Bible’s history, and that should inspire us to be equally as confident.

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✍️ Links and show notes

Original article: The Global Flood According to the New Testament
Does Scripture require a global Flood?
The Creation Answers book—Chapter 10: Was the Flood global?
The Church Fathers on the Genesis Flood
Faltering on the Flood
Rainbows, the Flood, and the Covenant

📚 Related Resources

From Creation to Salvation
The Genesis Flood: Fact Or Fiction?
Flood By Design
The Genesis Account

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📸 Photo by Carolyn V on Unsplash

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