CMI Interviews Mario Daenuwy (Indonesian)Mario D, an Indonesian who moved to Australia s a young adult and who now attends an Indonesian church in Brisbane, Australia, shares his testimony on how CMI has influenced his worldview.Video07 Jul, 201003:22
CMI Interviews Mario Daenuwy (English)Mario D, an Indonesian who moved to Australia s a young adult and who now attends an Indonesian church in Brisbane, Australia, shares his testimony on how CMI has influenced his worldview.Video06 Jul, 201006:08
Creation 2010 Super Conference - Battle for the Bible []Video29 Jun, 201003:25
Baby Steps: 4D UltrasoundAmerican Life League presents amazing 4D ultrasound imagery featuring preborn babies from eight weeks to thirty-four weeks old. You'll see detailed pictures of babies as they roll, yawn, blink, spin, smile and stretch throughout their 16 stages of development.Video26 May, 201005:36
"The Mystery of our Declining Genes" Dr John SanfordA world leading genetic researcher traces the history of human genetic decline and refutes conventional dates for alleged human evolution. Full 49 min talk available on DVD at the CMI webstore.Video30 Mar, 201002:04
"Planetary Cataclysm" Dr John BaumgardnerA world leading geophysicist explains how computer modelling has turned conventional plate tectonics on its head in favour of an account that supports the biblical Flood. Full 55 min talk available on DVD at the CMI webstore.Video30 Mar, 201001:45
Plimer's Famous 1988 Electricity Stunt [] In 1988, Ian Plimer, then employed by the University of Newcastle, Australia, debated Duane Gish at the University of New South Wales. Gish described it as one of the most disgusting performances he had seen. The Creation Science Foundation (CSF) noted that: "Even a sympathetic [to Plimer] news report in The Sydney Morning Herald (June 25, 1988, p. 74) talked about the fact that Plimer's talk was blistering, that he mocked and ridiculed, that he was aiming for his opponent's kneecaps and that much of what he said in the Gish debate cannot be repeated for legal reasons."Video12 Mar, 201004:54
The Kinesin Linear Motor [] Inside a living cell is an amazing transportation system. Proteins have to be delivered to the correct part of the cell to perform their intended functions. This animation, based on a lot of clever research over a number of years, shows how it happens.Video12 Mar, 201001:11
The ATP Synthase Enzyme [] This animated sequence shows the ATP Synthase enzyme in operation. The animation is based on an incredible series of scientific discoveries. Only the colours show artistic licence.Video11 Mar, 201001:26
CMI TV AdvertisementAn advertisement for Creation Ministries International. []Video03 Feb, 201000:30
Richard Dawkins stumped by creationists' question (RAW FTGE)**MUST READ!! []Video03 Feb, 201001:56