Information - where does it come from?'Information' is a word we hear constantly, and terms like 'biological information' are commonly used when discussing living things. In the origins debate the question is "Where did information come from?" Richard and Calvin explain how this is an extremely difficult question to answer for evolution theory but fits perfectly with the idea of intelligent design and the God of the Bible.Video20 Jul, 201219:07
The Transhumanists are coming!Ready for the next step in human evolution? Transhumanism: 'The philosophy that seeks the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of humanity beyond its current form (physically, mentally and socially) by means of science and technology'. Richard and Calvin introduce the subject and discuss how it relates to the origins debate.Video10 Jul, 201215:19
Darwin's 'yard apes'For more details visit: []Video27 Jun, 201210:00
The island ruleFor more details visit: []Video20 Jun, 201209:59
Things to think about as a theistic evolutionistWhen CMI speakers are out speaking they are often challenged by fellow Christians that have become convinced of evolution and claim that God used evolution to create. Richard and Calvin show what atheists and Bible sceptics say about this position (theistic evolution). Does adding millions of year of evolution to Genesis really help when sharing the Gospel? Watch and see!Video14 Jun, 201230:33
Radiohalos—Startling evidence of catastrophic geologic processes on a young earthFor more details visit: []Video13 Jun, 201210:00
The Darwinian roots of the Nazi treeFor more details visit: []Video06 Jun, 201209:59
Creation teaching makes a differenceFor more details visit: []Video29 May, 201210:00
Loving the Bible to deathFor more details visit: []Video23 May, 201210:00