Does Coal Prove the Earth is Young?Explore Earth's history with Dr. Tas Walker as he examines coal seams. Are they evidence of slow formation over millions of years or rapid burial from a biblical flood?Video03 Jan, 202433:02
Are Aliens Actually Demons?Numerous people around the world claim to have seen UFOs or experienced interactions with aliens. An unbiased assessment of the evidence shows that something is certainly going on, and even the US government is now open about the fact that they are investigating! Is there a viable, naturalistic explanation? Are aliens physically visiting Earth—and if so, why? Or does the evidence point to a more supernatural explanation? Are these ‘aliens’ being completely honest with experiencers? And why do they seem so interested in, yet bothered by, Jesus Christ? Join UFO-researcher and speaker, Gary Bates, for an enlightening and genuinely helpful discussion on the alien/UFO phenomenon.Video20 Dec, 202359:06
Flood Expert Finds Evidence for Noah’s FloodIf there really was a global flood—as the Bible has always said—then there should be abundant evidence of that fact, right?Video06 Dec, 202348:37
4 Evidences for a Young EarthEverybody has heard—repeatedly—that the earth is billions of years old. People are led to believe that this is an unassailable scientific fact.Video22 Nov, 202332:44
10-Year-Old Rock Dated at 2 Million Years?!In 1980, Mount St. Helens (in Washington State, USA) erupted, blasting the top and side off the mountain.Video08 Nov, 202340:24
The impossibility of ape to human evolution"Haldane's Dilemma" presents an insurmountable hurdle for ape-to-human evolution. Watch the entire episode here: []Video01 Nov, 202302:56
Are Creationists Actually Hyper Evolutionists?Atheists, parroted by Genesis compromisers, accuse biblical (young earth) creationists of believing in rapid evolution after the Ark landed.Video31 Oct, 202316:26
Will Scientists EVER Find Earth 2.0?Is Earth really the only planet in our vast universe that supports life? After all, there are trillions of other stars out there—and the number of planets is likely to be huge!Video25 Oct, 202334:36
Darwin's theory destroyedThe science that Darwin admitted would "absolutely break down" his theory continues to get stronger with new discoveries in DNA. Watch the entire episode at: []Video25 Oct, 202302:33
Abortion justified in rape cases?Is rape a legitimate exception for abortion? What are the alternatives? For more discussion about abortion watch the entire episode at: []Video18 Oct, 202301:33
Three Reasons Dinosaurs Can’t be Old!Dinosaurs have long been used to popularise the idea that life on Earth has been evolving for hundreds of millions of years. Almost from the cradle, people are taught about ‘the age of the dinosaurs’, which is said to have ended over 65 million years ago—LONG before humans evolved.Video11 Oct, 202328:00
Evidence against evolution the Miller-Urey experimentToday, many people still think this famous experiment solved the challenge of the origin of life. Instead it highlighted even more problems. Watch the entire episode here: [] For more information see: []Video11 Oct, 202301:47
Mammals Eating Dinosaurs…How Could This Be???Dinosaurs must have been Ark passengers. Most dinosaur fossils were formed by the Flood, and God told Noah to take two of every land vertebrate alive before the Flood. There were far fewer dinosaur kinds than species or genera, and the average size of a full-grown dino was about the size of a bison/buffalo. But Noah probably boarded much smaller juveniles a year before their growth spurt.Video05 Oct, 202319:59
The Complexity of Human DNA Destroys EvolutionScience continues to reveal more complexity at the smallest levels of life. As a result the evolutionary account of life's origins is rapidly trending toward mythology. May God receive the glory for His incredible creation!Video04 Oct, 202329:04