Who or What Is the Trinity?The Trinity is central to our understanding of who God is. But many Christians struggle to explain or defend this central doctrine. What does the Bible have to say about this important subject?Video07 Jan, 202114:03
What Are the Christian Roots of Science?Why did science flourish in medieval Europe while it was stillborn ancient Greece and China? What is needed for science to work in the first place? Were the Middle Ages really dark? How did the Reformation help further growth of science?Video30 Dec, 202016:32
Your morals are affected by originsWhat you believe about where you came from dramatically impacts your worldview, including your personal views on morality. Watch the full episode at https://creation.com/cml8-02 [https://creation.com/cml8-02]Video30 Dec, 202002:09
The Reformation propelled scienceSecular historians of science reveal the positive effect that the Protestant Reformation had on the advancement of science. Watch the full episode at: https://creation.com/cml8-02 [https://creation.com/cml8-02]Video23 Dec, 202001:58
Who Designed the Designer?Many ‘New Atheopaths’ have pushed the Sunday-school argument “Who made God?”, although Christian apologists answered this long ago.Video22 Dec, 202018:19
Gospel Dates and ReliabilitySome people say that the Gospels are not reliable accounts because they were not written by eyewitnesses and only committed to paper long after the events took place. How do we know we can trust the Bible’s accounts?Video17 Dec, 202019:33
Religion causes wars?No, religion is not the main cause of wars. Watch the full episode at https://creation.com/cml8-02 [https://creation.com/cml8-02]Video16 Dec, 202002:02
What Does “Day” Mean in Genesis?If we had a dollar for every chapter of the Bible where the meaning of “day” is questioned, we would have exactly $2. Why is there such a comprehension problem for Genesis 1:1–2:3 but nowhere else?Video10 Dec, 202014:52
Evolutionist: Science flourishes because of ChristianityEven evolutionists recognize that science blossomed because of Christianity. Watch the full episode at https://creation.com/cml8-02 [https://creation.com/cml8-02]Video09 Dec, 202001:17
How Did Kangaroos Hop from Ararat to Australia?If the Ark landed on Ararat with the only surviving land vertebrates, why do we find kangaroos only in Australia, and other animals where they are?Video03 Dec, 202011:03
Did animals die before Adam sinned?Did the universe God described as 'very good' include the violent death of animals? Watch the entire episode at https://creation.com/cml8-02 [https://creation.com/cml8-02]Video02 Dec, 202004:09
What Does the New Testament Say About Genesis?Most people think creation is just a Genesis issue, but the New Testament has a surprising amount to say about how God created, what it means for us, and how creation and salvation are related to each other.Video26 Nov, 202010:51
Where do fossils fit into the Bible?The answer to this question can dramatically impact the Gospel. Watch the full episode at https://creation.com/cml8-01 [https://creation.com/cml8-01]Video25 Nov, 202003:42
Bloopers from Season 8 of Creation Magazine LIVEBloopers, blunders and general confusion from the studio while recording Season 8 of Creation Magazine LIVE.Video20 Nov, 202014:25
How to Survive as a Creationist in SchoolThe modern educational environment is increasingly a place of spiritual warfare. Many parents and leaders today are unaware that their students are being inundated with more and more brazen attacks upon the Christian foundations that underpin our western civilization.What are some strategies for biblical creationists to handle these pitfalls?Video19 Nov, 202017:50
Science supports biblical historyYES! The more science discovers, the more it supports the history recorded in the Bible. Watch the full episode at https://creation.com/cml8-01 [https://creation.com/cml8-01]Video18 Nov, 202001:55