Christmas or Xmas?Do non-Christians write Xmas to remove Christ from Christmas? Watch the entire episode at: []Video17 Nov, 202101:23
Arguments Creationists Should Not UseBad arguments and thinking rebound on the cause, and doesn’t honour Christ who is called the Truth and the Logos. It’s important to keep up with the latest CMI information not use outdated or downright bad arguments.Video16 Nov, 202118:13
Could there be life on Mars?The biblical worldview does not promote the idea that intelligent life could exist elsewhere, but could bacteria exist on Mars? Watch the full episode at: []Video10 Nov, 202101:43
UFOs can only be explained within a Christian worldviewThere is a Christian view of everything, including the identity of unidentified flying objects. God knows everything about everything. It is only by turning to God's Word that the correct understanding of these mysteries can be deduced. Watch the full episode at: []Video03 Nov, 202102:18
Archaeologist changes his mind: the earth is youngOld-earth conclusions are often promoted as science, and people who believe the Earth is old will say they are 'following the science'. But when they encounter scientific evidence for a young earth the tune changes. Watch the full episode at: []Video01 Nov, 202102:19
The Government Reports on UFOsBelief in alien life is predicated upon the evolutionary concept of a big bang. But even if true, where are all the alien races? And if there was no big bang what happens to the concept of intelligent, alien life.Video28 Oct, 202129:17
The Making of Creation Magazine LIVE!A behind-the-scenes look at the history and making of the Creation Magazine LIVE TV show.Video26 Oct, 2021
Archaeologist: No errors in the BibleSince the Bible is an accurate record of the past, archaeologists continually find support for its history in their ancient discoveries. Watch the full episode at: []Video20 Oct, 202101:30
Why trust the Bible's morality if it cannot get its history right?If the Bible doesn't accurately record 'earthly things' that we could verify today (like the effects of a global flood) then how can it be trusted on morality or the 'heavenly/spiritual things'. Watch the entire episode at: []Video18 Oct, 202101:57
Answering Questions About Genetic EntropyThe idea of genetic entropy is simple: species decay over time because mutations build up in populations over time. Yet, evolutionists strongly resist this idea and often use false arguments to try and explain it away. Keaton Halley and Dr Robet Carter discuss this important topic and show how evolutionists play fast and loose with the facts. In the end, genetic entropy is a strong refutation of darwinian evolution.Video14 Oct, 202120:47
Struggling with soft tissue in dinosaursSome scientists struggle to understand how blood cells and soft tissue could still be in dinosaur bones. They struggle because they believe the bones to be millions of years old. No struggle if you believe Scripture. Watch the entire episode at: Oct, 202101:58
If Genesis was poetry what would it look like?Here are some examples of what Hebrew poetry looks like. A poetic account of some aspects of creation can be found in Psalms, but Genesis is written as history, not poetry. Watch the entire episode at: []Video04 Oct, 202102:07
Geckos: Monuments to CreationThe little gecko can stick to ceilings because of intricate microstructure, and its skin’s microstructure repels water and kills bacteria. Humans are trying to duplicate both microstructures.Video30 Sep, 202110:24
The Bible’s historical accounts are important, and refute evolutionKey doctrines of Christianity are based on historical events, including a historical Genesis. If those events didn't happen Christianity crumbles. Watch the entire episode at: []Video27 Sep, 202102:48
Why You Should Attend CMI’s Creation SuperConferencesGary Bates and Erin Hughes discuss the importance of having a biblical worldview as a family, and how attending CMI’s 2022 SuperConference in Myrtle Beach South Carolina will not only be beneficial to the spiritual health of your family, but it will also be a vacation your family will never forget!Video23 Sep, 202115:06
Questioning the Bible is NORMALMost Christians go through a stage where they question the accuracy of the Bible. This is normal! It provides an opportunity for more mature Christians to guide them to the answers. Watch the entire episode at: []Video20 Sep, 202103:28