Science refutes a fundamental Big Bang requirementObservations refute a key assumption required for the Big Bang.Video20 Apr, 202202:28
Atheists: Adam must be real or Christianity failsEven atheists know that Adam must be historical, unlike some theologians who think he could be symbolic. Watch the entire episode here: []Video13 Apr, 202202:11
Did Jesus really rise from the dead?Easter is a celebration of Jesus resurrection. This is the central event of Christianity, and continuously attacked by skeptics.Video06 Apr, 202229:04
Big Bang problem: where's all the matter?For the Big Bang to work the universe 95% of the universe needs to be composed of matter and energy that are unobservable. In other words: the Big Bang requires great faith. Watch the whole episode at: []Video30 Mar, 202202:09
Review of William Lane Craig’s ‘In Quest for the Historical Adam’In the last few years, apologist William Lane Craig has attacked biblical (‘young earth’) creation. However, he is not enamoured with many of the other compromise views. In 2021, he published a book, In Quest of the Historical Adam. He concluded that Adam and Eve were a real original couple who gave rise to all humans, and who committed the first acts of sin. But they were a pair of Homo heidelbergensis who lived perhaps 750,000 years ago. Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Keaton Halley of Creation Ministries International offer their analysis.Video24 Mar, 202231:30
The Big Bang needs a mystical anti-gravity forceDark energy is a force required by the Big Bang model that repels the universe apart so that it's expansion is accelerating. It apparently composes 67% of the mass/energy of the universe yet cannot be detected in the lab. Or, perhaps the Big Bang is wrong and there is no Dark Energy. Watch the entire episode at: []Video23 Mar, 202201:54
Did animals die before Adam sinned?God described His original creation as 'very good' but did that include the death of animals before Adam sinned? We explore the implications of animals dying before the Fall.Video16 Mar, 202228:53
Why Functional Creation is Deeply FlawedOld Testament scholar John H. Walton has argued that modern readers have misunderstood the true meaning of Genesis 1. Given its ancient Near Eastern context, Walton says the creation account is not about God making material objects, but merely assigning functions. On this basis he sees no conflict between Genesis and evolution. In this episode, Keaton Halley and Joel Tay offer reasons why both Genesis and other ancient texts do not support Walton’s interpretation. So theistic evolutionists should find no refuge in Walton’s claims.Video10 Mar, 202226:37
Assumptions required for age dating methodsRadiometric dating, and all dating methods require making assumptions which usually cannot be known but greatly affect the calculated age. Watch the whole episode at: []Video09 Mar, 202203:33
Scientists blast the Big BangAn open letter signed by dozens of scientists cast serious doubt on the Big Bang as a viable model. Watch the whole episode at: []Video02 Mar, 202202:04
Dinosaurs Refute Millions of Years!Soft and stretchy blood vessels, intact cells, animal protein, and even DNA have been found in dinosaur bones. How could they have lasted 66 million years?Video24 Feb, 202218:19
Iron preserves dinosaur soft tissue?The discovery of soft tissue remains in dinosaur bones has led some to believe that iron could preserve them for million of years. Watch the entire episode at: []Video23 Feb, 202201:41
Christian leaders accept the Big Bang, but it’s unbiblicalThe Big Bang is popular, but has serious scientific flaws and is incompatible with Scripture. It's always a bad idea attempting to add unbiblical concepts into Scripture. Watch the entire episode: []Video16 Feb, 202202:27
6-day creation: Irrelevant to the Gospel? (part 1)Does belief in old earth creation or young earth creation impact the Gospel? If so, how? If not, are these topics side issues? How important are they really?Video10 Feb, 2022
Where Are All the Human Fossils?Where are all the human fossils? Have we found any pre-Flood human fossils? And why don’t we find human and dinosaur fossils together?Video09 Feb, 202220:16
6-day creation: Irrelevant to the Gospel? (part 2)The age of the earth does affect the Gospel, but should it be included in your church's Statement of Faith?Video09 Feb, 202216:31