Noah's Ark: Fact or Fiction?Many questions about Noah’s Ark and the Genesis flood are answered in this episode.Video06 Jul, 202229:17
Who Was the Pharaoh of Exodus?The Bible does not name the pharaohs with whom Moses interacted. Which Egyptian king was confronted by the biblical plagues and defeated at the Red Sea? Evidential clues suggest how biblical history and Egyptian history might best align. In this fascinating discussion, Gary Bates and Keaton Halley of Creation Ministries International talk about the evidence for the timing of the Exodus, and they put forward their proposed candidates for the pharaohs ruling in Egypt during the Israelite Oppression and the Exodus. The synchronisms are tantalising!Video29 Jun, 202230:03
How is "fearing God" helpful?Why would the 'fear of the Lord' be the beginning of wisdom, and how does this benefit individuals and society? For more details watch the entire episode at: []Video29 Jun, 202205:32
Examples of failed radiometric datesActual samples where the dates obtained were wrong. Can this dating method ever be trusted? For more details watch the entire episode at: []Video22 Jun, 202201:46
Evidence for God: The Bible's unified messageWritten by more than 40 people over 1600 years, yet the Bible has one consistent message from beginning to end. This is powerful evidence for an all-knowing God as its ultimate author. For more details watch the entire episode at: []Video15 Jun, 202201:09
Why radiometric dating methods give false datesAccelerated nuclear decay causes most dates that rely on steady decay rates to be drastically inflated. For more details watch the entire episode at: []Video08 Jun, 202201:22
Can We Align Egyptian History and the Bible?Christians have wrestled for centuries on how to reconcile Egyptian chronology with a biblical one. Many fail to understand Egyptian culture at the time which is a key to understanding how they treated foreigners, for example, which would help us understand why Egypt is silent about the Hebrew occupation prior to the Exodus event. We need to look for other clues that might help us place the timing of the Exodus into Egyptian history. Other pharaohs in the Bible are named, which allows for a clearer alignment between these histories.Video02 Jun, 202225:52
Evidence for God: The Bible’s prophetic accuracyThe accurate foretelling of future events, which then happened as predicted, is powerful evidence for the all-knowing God as the ultimate author of the Bible. For more details watch the entire episode at: []Video01 Jun, 202201:43
Where is the evidence for the ape-to-man transition?We are all familiar with the iconic ape-to-man image, which shows a smooth evolutionary progression from stooped ape to upright man. But what is the scientific evidence for the various transitional species in this evolutionary ‘march of progress’? Let’s find out.Video29 May, 202203:49
Pluto’s moons surprise evolutionistsNew data from spacecraft... evolutionists: Wow, we weren't expecting that! It's so much more fulfilling if you develop hypotheses based on the biblical account of creation. Watch the entire episode at: []Video25 May, 202202:40
Struggling to let go of a historical AdamAccording to evolution humans evolved over millions of years from pond scum; we are not descendants of Adam. Christians who believe evolution recognize that if there is no historical Adam the Gospel collapses. It is so much easier just to believe Scripture concerning creation, a literal, historical Adam, and the mountains of scientific and historical evidence that supports it. Watch the entire episode at: []Video18 May, 202202:47
Shocking spacecraft discoveries verify Pluto is youngDiscoveries made in 2015 from the New Horizons spacecraft shocked scientists who believe Pluto in old. The data supports an age for Pluto that is much more compatible with biblical estimates for the age of our solar system. Watch the entire episode at: []Video11 May, 202202:08
Trusting the Bible when building scientific modelsChristianity is about more than just how to reconciled to God. The Bible provides the foundation for a Christian view of everything, including the sciences that relate to origins. It also provides a framework within which to make predictions about anticipated observations.Video09 May, 202202:41
How Did God Front-load Created Kinds to Diversify?In this second episode dealing with how God created species to change over time, we discuss the concept of the ‘created kind’ as opposed to ‘species’ and what it means for our understanding of what God actually created. The concept of a ‘front-loaded’ genome is important, and there are multiple ways for the genomes of living things to change over time.Video05 May, 202214:47
Creationists don’t understand science?Critics claim that creationists aren't 'real' scientists despite getting advanced degrees, publishing in peer-reviewed journals, and following in the long line of the greatest scientists of the past who recognized that the universe was created.Video27 Apr, 202201:16
Three Myths About Species Changing Over TimeIn this episode, we cover three myths that people often have about biblical biology. What are species? What are created Kinds? Did God create all species as we see today, and did those species stay in the same general location after they were originally created? And did God only create two of each kind of animal at the beginning?Video21 Apr, 202220:59