Why the Solar System Can’t Be Old
Wednesday 18, Dec 202430:56
Most of us have been told—as scientific fact—that our solar system formed by itself from a swirling disc of dust and gas about 4.5 billion years ago.
However, this story (about the distant, unobserved past) is actually just a hypothesis that rests on an array of unprovable assumptions. The most central of these is the belief that everything can (and must) be explained without reference to God. But is that assumption reasonable? How well does it fit with the observations?
The truth is that the physical evidence we observe in our solar system contradicts the evolutionary story—on many counts.
Join Dr Mark Harwood—who played a key role in the development of Australia’s national satellite system—for a fascinating and enlightening look at just some of the evidence that points to a young age for our solar system. Also, find out why any of this even matters!
Get FREE access to the award-winning documentary Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels here:
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