Does Leviticus 19:19 prohibit mating horses with donkeys?Does Leviticus 19:19 prohibit the cross-breeding of horses and donkeys?Article29 Jan, 2022
Hierarchical clustering in dinosaur baraminology studiesBaraminology studies need adjustment to properly reflect the biblical distinction between flying animals like Archaeopteryx and land animals like dinosaurs.Article28 Jan, 2022
Startling SturddlefishSturddlefish or paddlegeon: inter-family hybridization between sturgeon and paddlefish and created kinds.Article20 Dec, 2021
How do we account for so many species of beetles if Noah’s Flood was only 4,500 years ago?How do we account for so many species of beetles if Noah’s Flood was only 4,500 years ago?Article18 Dec, 2021
An amazing desert trio: Adapted to the heatMeet the amazing desert trio, the specialized sandcat, the phantom fennec fox, and the amazing mulgara!Article29 Nov, 2021
Kiwi conservation conundrumEvolutionary thinking about the rise of new species hampers kiwi conservation efforts, but a biblical perspective would help.Article19 Aug, 2021
Species were designed to change, part 3Species change over time, they also hybridize and split, according to the ‘braided baramin’ concept.Article12 Aug, 2021
Species were designed to change, part 2In the creation model, God made species so that they could change over time, but change does not equal evolution.Article22 Jul, 2021
Are lizards and snakes related?Snakes and lizards are not a part of the same baramin; they are no related.Article16 Jul, 2021
Polka-dotted zebraThe polka-dotted offspring of plains zebra is the result of pseudomelanism mutation.Article19 Apr, 2021
Caprimulgiformes: a single created kind?The order Caprimulgiformes is not a single created kind.Article12 Mar, 2021
Refining baraminology methodsApplying a data filtering method to help clarify baramins in dinosaur and cephalopod datasets.Article05 Mar, 2021
Baraminology methodsA comparison of morphology-based and genomics-based approaches to delineating baramins.Article19 Feb, 2021
Cat mutationsWhile popular legend might say cats have 9 lives, they’re just as subject to mutations and death as other creatures.Article26 Jun, 2017