‘Parade of mutants’Pedigree dogs, far from being the ‘most evolved’, are actually the sickest and most genetically impoverished.Article05 Sep, 2011
Variation and natural selection versus evolutionMany alleged proofs of evolution are really proofs of variation or natural selection. But both have been part of the biblical creation model even before Darwin. Free chapter from the world’s best-selling creationist book (after the Bible of course!)Article21 Feb, 2006
The Javan cucumber’s seeds inspire aviation designAlsomitra macrocarpa Javan cucumber samara seed glider bio-inspiration for aeronautical design leading to stealth bomberArticle30 Dec, 2024
Why are dinosaurs extinct today?Did the Chicxulub impact cause iridium layers or wipe out the dinosaurs, or are there problems with this idea, or did human hunting or the Ice Age kill themArticle02 Dec, 2024
Sickle-cell anemia does not prove evolution!sickle-cell anaemia results from a mutation that breaks hemoglobin, but that can be an advantage in resisting malaria.Article01 Mar, 1995
Natural selection in the real world is mostly ineffectiveA long-term study on the water flea, Daphnia pulex, contradicts thousands of papers on natural selection that ignored environmental variation.Article10 Oct, 2024
DNA from the last woolly mammothsA woolly mammoth population went through a bottleneck of eight, the same as people on the Ark, without mutational meltdownArticle08 Oct, 2024
Southern masked weaverTwo tiny birds work harmoniously together—dad builds the nest and mum does the interior decorating, and together they raise their chicks.Article02 Oct, 2024
Dr Batten interviews agricultural scientist Dr KeeFui KonA scientist shares his faith journey and how evolution played no role in his successful career in weed science.Article17 Jul, 2024
The not-so-ponderous pelicanThe average pelican can reach an average weight of 18 kg/40 lbs—a miracle they can get off the ground.Article22 Apr, 2024
Muddy WatersNatural selection or survival of the fittest gets rid of genetic information, and is not capable of creating anything new.Article02 Apr, 2024
Anolis lizard scuba diversCertain species of Anolis can stay submerged up to 18 minutes and can ‘rebreathe’ some of their own airArticle20 Dec, 2023
Galápagos finches, rapid speciation, and recent creationDarwin’s finches have been a poster child for evolution for more than a century, but recent genetic analysis reveals God’s creative brilliance and how He created species to change over time.Article09 Nov, 2023