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Review Michael Behe Edge of Evolution

Review Michael Behe Edge of Evolution

22 May, 2009
Is the human pharynx poorly designed?

Is the human pharynx poorly designed?

08 May, 2009
Intelligent Design: why the fuss, and what is it about?

Intelligent Design: why the fuss, and what is it about?

09 Apr, 2009
The brain—brainier than believed before

The brain—brainier than believed before

31 Mar, 2009
Can it bee

Can it bee

Bee flight and brilliant design.
07 Jan, 2009
Cows: a magnetic sign for evolutionists

Cows: a magnetic sign for evolutionists

Cows have magnetic sensing
25 Nov, 2008
Surveillance solution: mimicking a bug's eye view

Surveillance solution: mimicking a bug's eye view

25 Aug, 2008
The Prostate Gland—is it ‘badly designed’?

The Prostate Gland—is it ‘badly designed’?

Refuting arguments that the prostate shows poor design
01 Aug, 2008
Fingertip control

Fingertip control

22 Jul, 2008
Marvellous moth motif

Marvellous moth motif

Emperor Speckled Moth (Gynanisa maja)
30 Jun, 2008
Walking up walls

Walking up walls

Insects have inspired engineers to build a better ‘sticky tape’, and even robots that can walk up walls—a great idea for cleaning windows of high-rise buildings!
02 May, 2008
Peacock  poppycock?

Peacock poppycock?

According to evolutionist researchers, Darwins sexual selection theory is a failure, as epitomized by its inability to explain the peacocks tail.
21 Apr, 2008
Fancy flying from advanced aeronautics

Fancy flying from advanced aeronautics

New discoveries about swift flight may help aircraft designers. Swifts also have such a sophisticated navigation system that they can find their way in their sleep.
17 Dec, 2007
Brilliant brittlestars

Brilliant brittlestars

According to one report its entire skeleton forms one big eye … brittlestars are one big compound eye.
22 Aug, 2007
Amazing discovery: Bird wing has 'leading edge' technology

Amazing discovery: Bird wing has 'leading edge' technology

Amazing discovery: Bird wing has leading edge technology
26 Jun, 2007
Bunchberry bang!

Bunchberry bang!

Bunchberry stamens are designed like miniature medieval trebuchets. Design in Nature is evidence of God.
16 May, 2007