Death and suffering


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Catching a kinkajou

Catching a kinkajou

The kinkajou of south and central America is classified as being a ‘carnivore’—yet new research shows this shy forest-dweller is exclusively vegetarian.
07 May, 2014
suffering and gospel

suffering and gospel

The Gospel changes cultures, and suffering is real.
29 Mar, 2014
Bats sophistication in miniature

Bats sophistication in miniature

Bat sonar (echolocation), flight, and other features strongly points to design (creation), not evolution, as explaining bats origin. The fossil record is no help to evolutionists, either.
05 Feb, 2014
Is God inconsistent

Is God inconsistent

Gods judgment is not inconsistent or immoral.
04 Feb, 2014
Tsunami tragedy

Tsunami tragedy

The tragic devastation wreaked by the Boxing Day, 2004 tsunami is a sober reminder of the awesome power of Gods judgment in the Flood of Noah.
04 Dec, 2006
The 'bird of prey' that's not

The 'bird of prey' that's not

Raptors, like eagles and vultures, have sharp, hooked beaks and talons which seem to have only one purpose
21 Nov, 2012


Piranhas are renowned for their razor-sharp teeth and ability to tear the flesh off any animal venturing into the water. But their fearsome reputation has been greatly exaggerated.
31 Oct, 2012
The lion that wouldnt eat meat

The lion that wouldnt eat meat

A vegetarian lioness, Little Tyke, cared for by Georges and Margaret Westbeau, did not eat meat during its entire life of nine years.
29 Aug, 2012
Pre-adamites and human fossils

Pre-adamites and human fossils

There is evidence of violence, disease and premature death throughout the human fossil record, so it must be placed after the Fall or the Fall becomes theologically meaningless.
25 Mar, 2011


08 Mar, 2011
Australia's worst-ever bushfire disaster

Australia's worst-ever bushfire disaster

Floods, drought, cyclones, bushfires in Australia, tsunamis—in a disaster people question, “Why does a God of love allow death and suffering?”  The Bible answers: death entered the world because of sin.
12 Feb, 2009
Vegetarian theropod dinosaurs

Vegetarian theropod dinosaurs

Many theropod dinosaurs turn out be plant-eaters, and challenge the dinosaur-to-bird dogma
27 Jan, 2011
Snake carnivory origins

Snake carnivory origins

The origin of post-Fall carnivory, as seen in snakes.
15 Nov, 2010
Nothing more than a bag of chemicals

Nothing more than a bag of chemicals

Are consciousness and free will illusory and humans merely chemicals? And if so, what are the consequences for the criminal justice system?
29 Jul, 2010
Who was the serpent?

Who was the serpent?

Satan used the body of a specific serpent in the Garden of Eden to tempt Eve to disobey God, speaking by means of a diabolical miracle.
16 Jun, 2010
Haitis horrendous earthquake disaster

Haitis horrendous earthquake disaster

21 Jan, 2010