Days of Creation


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How long were the days of Genesis 1

How long were the days of Genesis 1

If God had intended us to understand long ages or theistic evolution in Genesis, there are several ways He could have said this, but He chose not to.
19 Jan, 2011
Genesis 1 and 'seed faith'

Genesis 1 and 'seed faith'

The seed faith principle does not undermine a literal six-day creation.
27 Apr, 2023
Is BibleProject Biblical?

Is BibleProject Biblical?

While BibleProject has become increasingly popular recently, we believe that there are some concerns that need to be addressed. What some perceive as minor differences can have far-reaching implications.
21 Mar, 2023
The Scriptures affirm literal and historical 6-day creation

The Scriptures affirm literal and historical 6-day creation

The Bible does not just depict God creating the world in six days; it affirms it.
12 Jan, 2023
Conquest of the skies

Conquest of the skies

Our response to David Attenborough’s TV programmes ‘Conquest of the Skies’. The evidence shows beetles, birds, and other fliers were created; they did not evolve.
06 Sep, 2022
The Seven-Day Week

The Seven-Day Week

Around the world today, people observe a seven-day week. Why do we have the concept of a week at all?
05 May, 2022
The creation hyperbola

The creation hyperbola

Immediate creation shows God’s power, but long ages reflect a weak god.
28 Jun, 2021
Mathematics—from the mind of God

Mathematics—from the mind of God

Mathematics is not racist, but from God’s mind, shown by Fibonacci Sequence, Euler’s equations, Genesis chronogenealogies.
18 May, 2021
Does the Bible compel an old-earth interpretation?

Does the Bible compel an old-earth interpretation?

The origins debate exists because Scripture seemingly conflicts with deep time, thus Scripture doesnt obviously support an old earth.
17 Dec, 2020
Calvin said: Genesis means what it says

Calvin said: Genesis means what it says

John Calvin said Genesis means what it says about six-day creation.
01 Jul, 2020
Analyzing John Walton’s ‘functional creation’ view of Genesis 1

Analyzing John Walton’s ‘functional creation’ view of Genesis 1

John Walton’s claim that Genesis 1 is exclusively about functional creation is considered and critiqued.
16 May, 2020
Foliage in fast forward

Foliage in fast forward

Vegetation grew quickly in creation week.
12 Jun, 2017
Creation days and Orthodox Jewish tradition

Creation days and Orthodox Jewish tradition

Orthodox Jews and creation days.
22 Feb, 2017
The meaning of yôm in Genesis

The meaning of yôm in Genesis

Genesis days and the meaning of yôm.
27 Mar, 2009
Ancient Jewish view of creation

Ancient Jewish view of creation

How did ancient Jewish rabbis understand creation in Genesis?
04 Nov, 2015
Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

What does the Bible tell us about Adam and Eve?
03 Dec, 2013