Nothing more than a bag of chemicalsAre consciousness and free will illusory and humans merely chemicals? And if so, what are the consequences for the criminal justice system?Article29 Jul, 2010
Who was the serpent?Satan used the body of a specific serpent in the Garden of Eden to tempt Eve to disobey God, speaking by means of a diabolical miracle.Article16 Jun, 2010
Human population growthMultiple lines of evidence regarding population growth point to a recent origin of humansArticle24 May, 2010
Preaching the Gospel in today’s societyWhen St Paul preached to the Jews he showed that Jesus was their promised Messiah; when he preached to the evolutionist Greeks he began with God as Creator and Judge.Article12 May, 2010
Why did Jesus dieMany evangelicals think that the creation evolution issue is irrelevant but in fact it is foundational to the gospel of Jesus Christ.Article06 Apr, 2010
Why most scientists believe the world is oldWhy scientists believe the world is oldArticle01 Apr, 2010
Revival? What is missing?As well as faithful preaching about sin and judgment we need to proclaim and defend and proclaim the truth of Genesis so the Gospel message might make sense.Article24 Feb, 2010
Civilization comes suddenlyAn archeological discovery in Peru of a complex civilization contemporaneous with Mesopotamia prompts questions about why widely separated civilizations all appeared at around the same time. Languages did something similar.Article22 Feb, 2010
Robots not intelligentArtificial intelligence researcher Noel Sharkey says AI machines not intelligent nor have consciousness robots taking over world based on illusionArticle02 Feb, 2010
Prions and evolutionPrions are non-living agents that cause disease. They have been shown to undergo the Darwinian processes of mutation and selection in cell culture.Article19 Jan, 2010
Origin of life and sardinesCanned sardines contain a wealth of ingredients essential for life, but life will not arise in those sardines.Article04 Jan, 2010
Evolution ancient pagan ideaEvolution and deep time are not modern ideas: the early defenders of the Christian faith refuted these ideas from the ancient pagans.Article21 Dec, 2009
Inside the mind of a killerPekka-Eric Auvinens mass-murder shooting spree at his Finnish school was motivated by evolutionary ideas.Article09 Nov, 2007
The doctrine of sin in contemporary theologyHow the idea of Darwinian evolution over millions of years is affecting contemporary theological views on the Christian doctrine of sin.Article06 Aug, 2009