Timothy Keller responseA response to Timothy Kellers Biologos paper which encourages compromise between evolution and Genesis.Article09 Sep, 2010
Romans 5 Pauls literal AdamMany passages in Scripture require Adam to be historical. Among them is Romans 5:12–21, where a historical Adam is contrasted with the historical Jesus.Article17 Jul, 2009
Chamberlain and the ChurchTheistic evolutionists and long-agers appease atheists by conceding on history and science, with disastrous consequences for the church and society.Article04 Aug, 2008
Genesis: History … or Mystery?Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. But what would happen if there were no history to learn from?Article16 Apr, 2008
Promoting 'peace with evolution'The Sydney Anglicans are rightly respected for their stand on biblical authority. But a recent affiliated publication calls for seeing Genesis as ‘figurative’.Article13 Oct, 2006
Shame on Charisma!Leading Pentecostal magazine Charisma promotes Hugh Ross, old earth, death before sin, denigrates young earth.Article29 May, 2003