Worldviews history and earth age part 1Does old-earth creationism compromise the Christian faith?Article19 Jun, 2015
Evangelical church theologically corruptHas the evangelical movement lost its way?Article03 Oct, 2014
Giberson unmaskedKarl Giberson reveals the incompatibility of Darwinism and Christianity and the subversive nature of his Christian college teaching.Article22 May, 2014
Biologos pelagian heresyBioLogos, heresy, theistic evolution, historical Adam, Genesis myth, Pelagianism, original sin.Article22 Mar, 2014
Are you a biblical creationist?A survey/questionnaire of nine (9) questions to ascertain whether pastors, youth group leaders or Bible College principals are young-earth creationist Title change from young-earth to Are you a biblical creationist?Article08 Aug, 2008
William Lane Craig vs creationThe teaching that God created everything "very good" sharply contradicts billions-of-years dogma.Article17 Sep, 2013
Dealing with doubtHow Christians can build up their faith when struggling with doubt, by praying, reading the Gospels and apologetics books, and attending a Bible-believing church.Article21 Apr, 2013
Review Lennox seven daysJohn Lennox in Seven days that Divide the World mistakenly believes that his compromise on Genesis 1 results in a coherent reading of Scripture.Article11 Jan, 2013
Perils of Theistic EvolutionThe dangers inherent in arguing for theistic evolution are legion, including the subversion of key doctrines, a denial of ChristArticle06 Dec, 2012
Common old earther errorsOld-earthers defend their compromise on the traditional plain reading of Genesis by appealing to the text and history against what they actually say.Article27 Aug, 2012
The future-some issues for 'long-age' ChristiansChristians who embrace theistic evolution or progressive creation over billions of years in the past face the problem of heat death of the universe billions of years in the future.Article18 Jan, 2012
Do I have to believe in a literal creation to be a Christian?Genesis provides the reason for the gospel; so any Christian who does not accept it is on a slippery slope into unbelief.Article17 Aug, 2011
Retroactive DeathBill Dembski tried to defend long ages of death and suffering by claiming that Adams fall caused this retroactively.Article30 Jun, 2011
Morality-and-salvation-minus-historyMorality and Salvation minus History equals Ignorance and UnbeliefArticle10 Mar, 2011
Genesis poetry father hermeuticsOrigin of non-literal interpretation of Genesis, Father of Hermeneutics.Article20 Nov, 2010
Can Christians believe evolutionEvolution is contrary to Scripture, but Christians can still be saved despite believing in it. A guest author explains some reasons, including how Christians are never fully mature when saved.Article21 Oct, 2010