Does theistic evolution take away the need for God?Theistic evolution undercuts truth, logic of redemption, distorts the Gospel, presents another Jesus, nullifies the evidence for God, hinders evangelism.Article26 Sep, 2023
Is the seventh day an eternal day?Hebrews 4:3–4 promises an eternal rest with God but never says that the seventh day of creation week is still that GodArticle16 Sep, 2023
Could the Flood have been tranquil?John Fleming proposed tranquil Flood, but why are scoffers without excuse, and how a violent event leaves no trace?Article30 Jan, 2019
The Victoria InstituteThe Victoria Institute was the earliest creationist organization, founded in 1865, but later accepted old earth and evolution.Article01 Sep, 2023
Genesis contradictions?Genesis chapters 1 and 2 are not contradictory; Chapter 1 is an overview and Chapter 2 provides details of Adam and EveArticle10 Sep, 1997
Why is CMI so dogmatic on 24-hour creation days?Importance of six-day creation and refutation of old-earth compromisers like Hugh Ross.Article11 Oct, 2008
Is Christianity unbelievable in the face of atheism?Justin Brierley debates atheists on Unbelievable, Premier Christian Radio, discussing billions of years, big bang, sin, death and eternal punishment.Article09 Apr, 2019
Does evolution justify unbelief?Evolution inspires heresy and apostasy more than most ideas because it so powerfully centralizes naturalistic thinking.Article08 Jun, 2023
Jesuit accommodation and biblical chronologyJesuit missionaries accommodated biblical chronology to Chinese chronology, and thus set the stage for deep time compromise.Article12 May, 2023
'Beginnings' before Genesis 1:1?The dependent clause reading of Genesis 1:1 is not evidence that the Bible is compatible with deep time.Article24 Jan, 2023
The Scriptures affirm literal and historical 6-day creationThe Bible does not just depict God creating the world in six days; it affirms it.Article12 Jan, 2023
Aliens and Dark MatterIs dark matter the spirit world effecting ours, is heaven a 4th dimension and why does Hugh Ross accept the big bang?Article03 Sep, 2022
Geologist leads Jurassic journeysJohn Matthews interview about geology, oil industry conversion to Christ, becoming a creationistArticle29 Aug, 2022
Should I stay in a church that compromises on Creation?Should I stay in a church that compromises on biblical creation?Article02 Jun, 2022
William Lane Craig historical Adam conference, Templeton FoundationWilliam Lane Craig, historical Adam conference, Homo Erectus, Templeton Foundation, Keathley.Article24 May, 2022
Theistic evolutionists claim the Bible is not a science bookCompromise undermines the Gospel.Article12 May, 2022