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Tibetan snow lotus

Tibetan snow lotus

The Himalayan/Tibetan snow lotus, Saussurea laniceps, is shrinking because of human-induced natural selection—not evolution.
13 Feb, 2017
Darwin pigeons

Darwin pigeons

Charles Darwin’s experiments with pigeons did not provide the evidential support for his Origin of Species that many believe.
12 Mar, 2018
Green algae multicellularity

Green algae multicellularity

Clues from ecology and genetics provide avenues for explaining the rise of destructive parasites after the Fall.
18 Sep, 2020
Spiders and ants aiding boat design

Spiders and ants aiding boat design

Spiders and ants inspire an unsinkable metal structure that could aid in boat design.
14 Sep, 2020
Distribution of plants and animals

Distribution of plants and animals

The geographic distribution of plants and animals is a problem for evolution but easily explained by the Genesis Flood
11 Sep, 2020
Isn't it obvious? Natural selection can eliminate, but never create!

Isn't it obvious? Natural selection can eliminate, but never create!

Leading biologists John Endler and Lynn Margulis noted the obvious: natural selection is a process of elimination, not creation.
31 Oct, 2018
How brilliant builder-bees create 3-D spiral honeycombs

How brilliant builder-bees create 3-D spiral honeycombs

Tetragonula carbonaria build complex honeycomb nests but crystal growth is not a good analogous explanation for the bees’ abilities.
07 Sep, 2020
Cat mutations

Cat mutations

While popular legend might say cats have 9 lives, they’re just as subject to mutations and death as other creatures.
26 Jun, 2017
Parasites and creation

Parasites and creation

Clues from ecology and genetics provide avenues for explaining the rise of destructive parasites after the Fall.
07 Aug, 2020
Dogs breeding dogs?

Dogs breeding dogs?

Darwin said that breeding of dogs demonstrates evolution, but this is clearly wrong.
29 Jul, 2020
The origin of flightless birds

The origin of flightless birds

Flight in birds seems easy to lose, but impossible to gain, suggesting birds became flightless after the Flood.
10 Jul, 2020
Do whales have leg ‘genes’

Do whales have leg ‘genes’

Do whales have leg genes and does this prove evolution?
27 Jun, 2020
If evolution explains contrary things, can it legitimately be called science?

If evolution explains contrary things, can it legitimately be called science?

Evolution is not science. It cannot be falsified, is promoted by storytelling and logical fallacies—having your cake and eating it.
18 Jun, 2020
Zippy zonkey

Zippy zonkey

Zonkey, donkra, zebra-donkey hybrid Zippy points to species, Ark, lessons
10 Jun, 2020


Tapirs are described as primitive living fossils, sharing homologous features with horses and rhinos—but these assumptions are rarely challenged.
18 May, 2020
Purebred dogs

Purebred dogs

How did eugenics give rise to many of the modern dog breeds?
13 May, 2020