Dance or dieAdult fence lizards retain the twitch dance, and have longer legs, in response to fire ant invasion in southeastern USA.Article22 Feb, 2016
Reclaiming the peppered mothPeppered moth caterpillars can detect twig colour through its skin, changing its skin colour to match.Article05 Jul, 2021
Deer mice Nebraskan A colour mutation that camouflages deer mice against a sandy background is a great example of natural selection.Article15 Jan, 2018
Yellow penguinUnique yellow penguin likely a mutation losing the ability to produce melanin, and is not evolution in action.Article14 Jun, 2021
T. rex, cats and attack-defense structures in a pre-Fall world.Teeth, claws, and eye arrangements, in animals as diverse as cats and T. rex pose questions about originally created perfect designs.Article12 Jun, 2021
Plants growing on quartzitePlants with specialized root structures for feeding on quartzite support rapid plant growth after Noahs Flood.Article23 Apr, 2021
Polka-dotted zebraThe polka-dotted offspring of plains zebra is the result of pseudomelanism mutation.Article19 Apr, 2021
Prewired language processing: An evolutionary ‘Catch 22’Language processing is pre-wired in the brain, a Catch-22 for evolutionists.Article08 Apr, 2021
GlasswingThe transparent Glasswing Butterfly, lacking the scales of colourful butterflies on its wing membranes, is evidence of devolution, not evolution.Article25 Jan, 2010
Review of Darwin Devolves by Michael BeheReview of Darwin Devolves by Michael Behe covers why the latest ideas created to save Darwinism have all failedArticle26 Mar, 2021
Flapping flight challengeDespite RoboBee’s ‘sustained’ flight, the challenge to build UAVs that mimic flapping-wing flight remains formidable, especially at the nano-scale.Article22 Mar, 2021
Caprimulgiformes: a single created kind?The order Caprimulgiformes is not a single created kind.Article12 Mar, 2021
Refining baraminology methodsApplying a data filtering method to help clarify baramins in dinosaur and cephalopod datasets.Article05 Mar, 2021
Bombardier beetleGods design in the spray system of the bombardier beetle inspired new human spray system designs.Article22 Feb, 2021
Baraminology methodsA comparison of morphology-based and genomics-based approaches to delineating baramins.Article19 Feb, 2021