The red fox and post-Flood migrationThe population of Vulpes vulpes, the red fox, grew quickly after it was introduced to Australia.Article16 Sep, 2019
Braterman slam dunk flunkRebuttal of anti-creationist article by Paul Braterman covering Sahelanthropus, “Evolution is just a theory”, Mike Pence, biogeography, marsupial distributions, mutability, Belyayev tame foxes, and equivocation.Article28 Nov, 2017
Amazing armoured armadillos of the AmericasHow do evolutionists explain armadillos?Article08 Oct, 2007
Biogeography against evolutionCreatures in different parts of the world show remarkable similarities despite supposedly being separated for the same timespan humans supposedly evolved from ape-like ancestors.Article23 Sep, 2013
Flood biogeographyEvolution fails to provide a satisfactory explanation for the distribution of plants and animals; the facts of biogoegraphy, however, fit what the Bible tells us about Earth history well.Article12 Mar, 2013
Plants animals biogeographyEvolutionists claim the biogeographic distribution of organisms provides strong evidence for evolution, but the data better fit the biblical account of recolonisation following the Genesis Flood.Article02 Jan, 2012
BiogeographyEvolutionists claim the biogeographic distribution of organisms provides strong evidence for evolution, but the data better fit the biblical account of recolonisation following the Genesis Flood.Article19 Aug, 2011
Genetics geographical distributionA skeptical correspondent challenges us to explain genetics and geographical distribution in a creationist framework.Article14 Apr, 2011
OpossumsThe existence of opossum marsupials in America fits with biblical creation and dispersal after the Flood and their biology speaks of design.Article29 Nov, 2010
Separating the sheep from the goatsSheep and goats illustrate the limits of the created kinds and the inadequacy of mutations for evolutionArticle11 Aug, 2008
Hibernation, Migration and the ArkSome animals would have hibernated on Noahs Ark.Article12 Dec, 2007