Flood Expert Finds Evidence for Noah’s FloodIf there really was a global flood then there should be abundant evidence of that fact, right? Fluvial geomorphologist, Dr Ron Neller discusses the evidence!Podcast06 Dec, 202344:09
A Space-View ShiftScience is a wonderful thing and the quotes we have considered here are candid and revealing. They show that astrophysicists and astronomers do not have everything figured out, and chances are they will not anytime soon.Podcast30 Nov, 202313:35
4 Evidences of a Young EarthEverybody’s heard that the earth is billions of years old. IT’S NOT! There are numerous evidences that contradict an old age! Dr Don Batten highlights FOUR such evidences.Podcast22 Nov, 202330:59
Is Bible Project Biblical?Bible Project has become increasingly popular in recent years. While the production value of their resources is high, we believe that there are some concerns that need to be addressed. What some perceive as minor differences among believers on Genesis has far-reaching implications.Podcast16 Nov, 202327:58
10-Year-Old Rock Dated at 2 Million Years?!In 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted. Samples of new volcanic rock—KNOWN to be only about 10 years old—were dated using radiometric dating. The results were eye-opening.Podcast08 Nov, 202336:39
Are Creationists Actually Hyper Evolutionists?Atheists, parroted by Genesis compromisers, accuse biblical (young earth) creationists of believing in rapid evolution after the Ark landed.Podcast02 Nov, 202316:26
Will Scientists EVER Find Earth 2.0?Is Earth really the _only_ planet in our vast universe that supports life? For those who believe the Bible’s account of origins, it makes perfect sense. What does the evidence say?Podcast25 Oct, 202333:37
The Dinosaur Created by the FloodEvents, such as the Genesis Flood, would have resulted in a disordered dinosaur bone bed. When interpreted under an evolutionary worldview that discounts the reality of the Flood, this led to the ‘discovery’ of a dinosaur that never existed.Podcast19 Oct, 202307:38
3 Reasons Dinosaurs Can’t Be Old!Dinosaurs popularised the idea that life on Earth has been evolving for hundreds of millions of years. But what if there’s evidence that they shared the Earth with humans?!Podcast11 Oct, 202325:59
Abortion: A Matter of Choice?Does anyone have the right to murder an innocent human? Pro-choice arguments for abortion are refuted in this episode.Podcast11 Oct, 202324:56
Mammals Eating Dinosaurs…How Could This Be???Dinosaurs must have been Ark passengers. Most dinosaur fossils were formed by the Flood, and God told Noah to take two of every land vertebrate alive before the Flood. There were far fewer dinosaur kinds than species or genera, and the average size of a full-grown dino was about the size of a bison/buffalo. But Noah probably boarded much smaller juveniles a year before their growth spurt.Podcast05 Oct, 202319:59
The Complexity of Human DNA Destroys EvolutionScience continues to reveal more complexity at the smallest levels of life. As a result the evolutionary account of its origins is rapidly trending toward mythology. May God receive the glory for His incredible creation!Podcast04 Oct, 202324:55
Who Created God?‘Who created God?’ is an age-old question. Atheists ask it because they think it is a ‘gotcha’ question for Christians. As Dr Batten explains it has a simple, logical answer!Podcast30 Sep, 202325:39
Whale Fossils in the Desert - Evidence of Worldwide Flood?How did 80 whales end up fossilized in the Chilean desert? What conditions led to them swimming there in the first place and getting rapidly buried so that they would fossilize?Podcast27 Sep, 202333:46
Anthropogenic Global WarmingChristians need to be pro-active in working to see others come to faith in Christ. In doing that we will also be once again laying the foundations for human flourishing, but also the flourishing of the planet because man is needed to look after it; that’s the way God designed it to be.Podcast21 Sep, 202301:21:44
If God Is Good, Why Do Bad Things Happen?Is God not all-powerful or not all-good? Are evil and suffering proof that God doesn’t exist? The Bible makes sense of the world and provides hope through even the darkest pain.Podcast13 Sep, 202354:08