Our Triune GodThe Trinity is one of the most easily misunderstood doctrines; even many Christians are uncertain of what the Trinity means.Podcast04 Apr, 202421:36
Does Egyptian History Fit With the Bible?Join author and speaker, Gary Bates, for a fascinating and helpful look at the many ways in which Egyptian history lines up perfectly with biblical history.Podcast28 Mar, 202437:11
Why Must God Be Good?God is by definition worthy of worship. Can such a being be indifferent or evil? Of course not. God being essentially good is necessary for objective morality to exist. Objective morality exists. Therefore, God is essentially good.Podcast21 Mar, 202407:23
Why Natural Selection is NOT EvolutionInstances of natural selection are constantly held up as examples of evolution in action. It’s misleading at best; simply deceptive, at worst.Podcast13 Mar, 202431:02
How Certain Are Your Agnostic Friends?When faced with challenges about the Bible and God, some say we can’t know and I don’t want to know. They are not being very agnostic about their agnosticism!Podcast07 Mar, 202410:06
Does Truth Matter and Why?Dr Mark Harwood explains, truth is real—and it can be known. What’s more, we all desperately need it, so that we can build our lives on a steady foundation of reality.Podcast28 Feb, 202441:24
Transhumanism, and the Image of GodThe justification for transhumanism arises from the foundational weakness of atheistic humanism, with its belief in evolution.Podcast22 Feb, 202415:46
Why Does God Allow Death & Suffering?Why do so many Christians still struggle with this question? Find out why evolutionary thinking is at the heart of the problem.Podcast14 Feb, 202442:17
Stephen Hawking (8 January 1942–14 March 2018)Probably the most famous physicist of our time, Stephen Hawking, has tragically died.Podcast08 Feb, 202412:16
Stephen Hawking 8 January 1942-14March 2018Probably the most famous physicist of our time, Stephen Hawking, has tragically died.Podcast08 Feb, 202412:16
The Impossible Problem of the Origin of LifeJoin biologist Dr Don Batten for a discussion of the origin of life. Learn why the very laws of chemistry dictate that life could never form itself!Podcast31 Jan, 202421:47
Does Theistic Evolution Take Away the Need for God?Many people think theistic evolution, also known as evolutionary creation, a position held by many theologians and scientists today, represents the sensible middle ground, but is that really the case?Podcast25 Jan, 202407:22
5 Reasons the Bible is the Only True Holy BookChristians claim that the Bible is the one true revelation from God. That’s a big claim! Has it been tested and what’s the evidence?Podcast17 Jan, 202448:06
Does Coal Prove the Earth is Young?What do coal seams tell us about Earth’s history? Join geologist, Dr Tas Walker, for a fascinating exploration of coal—and the true history of Earth.Podcast03 Jan, 202429:48
Evidence for Saul, David, and SolomonSeveral influential archaeologists reject the Bible’s portrayal of the monarchy led by Saul, David, and Solomon, claiming that the physical evidence contradicts the biblical record. Such claims are often repeated to the public as if they have been proven beyond reasonable doubt. But they are actually based on highly controversial interpretations of the facts. The evidence for Saul, David, and Solomon is plentiful, and if archaeological discoveries continue on their current trajectories, more supporting evidence will surface in the future.Podcast21 Dec, 202345:46
Are Aliens Actually Demons?Are aliens physically visiting Earth—and if so, why? And why would aliens seem so interested in, yet bothered by, Jesus Christ?Podcast20 Dec, 202354:07