Pollen problem for evolution
Friday 30, Dec 201601:01
Most people know that pollen can cause problems for those who suffer from hay fever. But did you know that pollen is also a major problem for the evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record?
Since the 1960s, the scientific literature has reported the presence of pollen and spores within a rock layer called the Roraima Formation in South America. This formation is supposedly over 550 million years old, yet according to evolutionary theory, flowering plants that produce pollen didn't evolve for another 390 million years!
So why do we find pollen in the fossil record so long before the first flowering plants appear? The simplest explanation is that the fossil record doesn't represent the evolution of life on this planet over eons of time, but is better explained as a consequence of the year-long global flood of Noah and its aftermath. This is recorded in the book of Genesis, chapters 6, 7, and 8.