No evolution for 3.5 billion years?
Wednesday 29, Jul 201501:01
Stromatolites are regarded by many as the oldest fossils on earth. They are interpreted as the remains of colonies of blue-green algae, or more accurately, cyanobacteria. The oldest ones are claimed to be 3.5 billion years old. Within this evolutionary perspective, one would expect these colonies to have radically changed, but remarkably, they are essentially the same today. Stromatolites, therefore, are classic examples of living fossils.
Living fossils cause major problems for evolution because they provide stunning examples of how evolution hasn’t occurred.
They also call into question the evolutionary timeframe.
Some people try to downplay the significance of living fossils by arguing that when something is well adapted to its environment it doesn’t need to change. But this would need the environment to be constant for the supposed period of time. This argument cannot apply to stromatolites, because during 3.5 billion years of alleged evolutionary time, many radical environmental changes supposedly occurred, including the arrival of new predators and parasites. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.com